Repeated attempts to remove a "fake" POI fails

This POI is fake and appears to have been placed next to someone’s home. It’s the second fake POI in this immediate area. The Brenda Parker Way, a recognized National Trail (also found on Ordnance Survey maps), runs through the village but not at this location. I’ve submitted multiple edit requests to correct this, all of which have been rejected without explanation. I’m concerned that the review process isn’t working when legitimate reports like mine are consistently ignored.

Here’s a link to the incorrect POI: Ingress Intel Map
And here’s a link to the Brenda Parker Way website showing the correct route: ( This route is also clearly marked on all Ordnance Survey maps.

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If you have already reported this and it has been rejected, appealing rejected removal reports is done in Wayspot Appeals . If you start a topic there, then you will see prompts for all the information the team will need.

If you have not submitted a removal report, I would recommend using the “Reporting Abuse” form linked at the top here. If you do not see that link, it is this:

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If this is an incorrect wayspot then use one of the forms to report it for removal.
Provide current photos which are geotagged. This is important since there is no streetview and the team will want to see what is there.
I am puzzled by the situation.
There doesn’t appear to be a house there unless it is recently built ( which is always possible )

There is a junction of a bridleway ( 191 35) and footpath (131 90) at this point so you would expect there to be a footpath marker which would be acceptable if properly described.

But the trail that is shown in the photo does not come near these footpaths.

Hi, Thanks for replying. Where do I find the form that you mention? The only way that I know about reporting invalid POI’s is using the Ingress app.

There are 2 rogue POI’s in Kingsclere. The one I posted earlier is not next to a house but it is a recently added one, presumably by the same person, who added one nearby and which is located by the houses (and not even close to the route of the Brenda Parker Way. The one located by the houses is here:,-1.238611&z=16&pll=51.323996,-1.241399

I have also made an image showing the location of the 2 fake POI’s and also where the path of the Brenda Parker Way goes through the village of Kingsclere (attached). The Red X’s show the 2 fake BPW locations.


The form is linked at the top here, and I gave you the link in my response in case you can’t see the links at the top in the format you are using to access the forum.

Many thanks for that. Sorry but I missed your first message with the link. Its my first time on the site. I will submit an appeal after getting more information together.

No worries, the bot just fusses at me if I go to post the same link again XD

Sorry I didn’t welcome you to the forum better!

Well, this is weird.

The LDWA - - and several other sources indicate that the Brenda Parker Way does not go through this point. StreetView for the area in question is really old (unstuck in time perhaps?) but this 2020 photosphere near the bridleway wayspot does seem to show a “Brenda Parker Way” marker - - if you poke around with StreetView you can match the location.

Another photosphere very close the the Bridleway sign also seems to show a matching trailmarker -

The marker does not appear on the existing wayspot, but it looks like it may have been there in the past given the discolouration.

" Knowle Crescent Brenda Parker Trail Marker" certainly does look fake - Ingress Intel Map - StreetView indicates a house, there’s no through route from this road to Rectory Lane, so its not feasible that the route would go through here.

It’s odd to see these markers where there is no reason for them to be, and certainly the one on The Knowle looks easily verifiable as invalid… weird, eh?

Did you notice that both of the photo spheres were posted by the same person. They also seem to focus only on the fake Brenda parker way stickers? As the Brenda Parker way does not go anywhere near that location (and never has), one can only assume that both the stickers and the photospheres are linked. Over the last 5 years or so I have been adding all the genuine Brenda parker Way waypoint markers in the local area. [Edit]
These fake Brenda Parker Way locations [ Edit] are strategically posted close to a house.

***Mod Edit to remove in game references.

Hello @BillyPilgrim893
I have edited your post to remove the in game references.
Wayfarer is game agnostic, so appeals posts should focus on the wayspot and not speculate about other gamers or the games they may use.

Thank you for your observations about the photospheres and your knowledeg of this trail.

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I did notice they were the same submitter, yes.

Both the telephone pole and bridleway marker can be verified through the photospheres, what I am curious about is if they currently have the trailmarker attached. Also, for the two suspect ones, do you recognise them? This one is Knowle Close:

…and this one is The Dell/Rectory Lane or whatever it’s called:

You can see that the Brenda Parker way sign is identical on both pictures look carefully at the coverings of the screws. And the angle of the arrow.
The one on rectory lane has a public footpath marker has a public footpath sign as you would fully expect for that location. I suspect that the BPW marker has been added to the photo. If they had just submitted the public footpath sign with the correct information and details that should have been acceptable.
I suspect the Knowle one has both markers added from a photo elsewhere, probably nearby.

You’re absolutely right, I hadn’t realized they were identical either. I’ll have to check out both locations in person. I also noticed the photosphere with the blue grit bin doesn’t match the current location of the fake Brenda Parker Way (BPW) point of interest (POI). The photo was actually taken in the Dell, at the start of the bridleway, very near the Knowle Crescent Brenda Parker Trail marker. Perhaps another location that they had in mind before the Knowle Cresent one was accepted?

Wow, I didn’t look closely enough… it’s the same darned marker!

I had a look around to find a picture of a genuine one, just to make sure that the marks to the left of the bird aren’t a printing error, and they shouldn’t be there alright.

Fakers. Don’t they realize we can always tell?

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Nice photo. That’s one of mine :wink:

I have now been to the locations. Firstly the Knowle Close does not have any waypoints at all and is located on a fence on someone’s driveway.

Hopefully this should be enough proof that it is a fake POI. I suspect that the photo here has been edited digitally as I could not see any screw holes (unlike the next location).
I will next post the other location next.

There is a valid POI at this location but the photoshere link showed another BPW waypoint marked at this location.

Lastly. The POI that is called Dell Brenda Parker Way did have a BPW waypoint marker attached at the point the photo was taken, as you can see the screw holes. They have obviously taken this one from somewhere else and it has now been removed.

This one would actually be a valid portal (A HCC Waypoint Marker) and I have submitted changes to the name, description and photo however I suspect they will be automatically rejected and I will try using the form if this happens.
Thanks to everyone who has given such amazing support.

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Looking at the discolouration on that post, I would guess the trail marker had been there for some time. So was it stolen from the “Cycling Discoveries” one? Very odd indeed.