After the case where a hall adjacent to a fire station was removed and netted a warning for the submitter, I thought this met the criteria for removal based on obstructing emergency services. The statue cannot be along that side of the building as pinned anyway
That doesn’t look like the correct location of the Wayspot. The statue seems to be somewhere at the back. If moved to correct location, this does not need to be removed.
If you can find the correct location, point them to it. I just want it removed from beside the Fire Station. I can’t find anything like the area surrounding this on the map. I also rejected this in review, so can show you the supporting as well.
In the main photo you can see at the background the volleyball field that also appears in the screenshot you shared of IITC. I guess they noticed that and they compared the images to move it to the correct location.
I don’t see anything identifiable in that supporting photo on the map or from street view to place that statue. Also, Niantic removed something I submitted for being in the wrong place (because of gps error and no satellite view) for not meeting criteria because it was submitted “to the wrong location that does not meet our criteria.” I have no idea why sometimes misplacing is grounds to remove a Wayspot and sometimes they just relocate it. It is not my job to find the thing that person submitted in the wrong place, but I would have pointed it out if I had seen it. Which I do not. I don’t care if it remains a Wayspot as long as it isn’t by the fire station. I hope the submitter got an educational email. And everyone who accepted it in that position where it clearly could not exist.
I saw one of those stacks of accepted nominations all in the same spot near none of the actual poi when another one in the same spot came through voting, and reported that stack. Almost all of the accepted ones were duplicates, one of something I had submitted before there was satellite view. They decided to spread out the stack and keep those, and removed that one of mine for “submitting Wayspot nominations to the wrong location that does not meet our criteria.” The other one they removed was not mine. It is anyone’s guess as to why they decided to spread out the stacked ones instead of marking those as duplicates as they should have been - maybe those had been accepted by Niantic. But they absolutely can and do remove Wayspots that have been submitted to the wrong location.