"Rondje Eindhoven" trail marker falsely removed

This wayspot was just removed. The Rondje Eindhoven trail marker is very much eligible and many of these have been restored on appeal as can be seen in these topics:

So I expect this one to be restored as well. Yes, it also contains one of the hated cycling route network signs, but that didn’t stop the wayspot in this topic from being restored either.

Street view at this location shows that the Rondje marker is gone.

It can’t be eligible if it doesn’t exist.

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Agreed! We standby our decision to retire the Wayspot for these exact same reasons. Thanks,

SV data is from august 2023. The bike route is still active and documented on Bordjes Rondje Eindhoven - fietsroute

@GeneralSecura If the sign has returned since 2023, take a geo-tagged picture and show it in a new appeal. If the sign is still gone (the white one above it won’t do anymore) you could try to get the city to replace it, because this is an essential marker to direct bikers to head northeast towards the park. Without it they will miss the trail entirely and head into the city instead, so maybe the municipality will be forthcoming to your request:

(screenshot shows the documented route and the turn northeast where the sign should be)

I think this is the only way to get the Wayspot back, as it requires the real-world object.

At VVV Eindhoven (at central station) you might ask, or through thisiseindhoven.com, or both :slight_smile:


There is a service for reporting damaged, vandalised or missing signs you can use to get this sign restored: https://www.meldpuntroutes.nl/. They are part of the Dutch platforms for recreational hiking and cycling and will handle the request for you.

I successfully used this service to have them restore vandalised trail markers. It only took a couple of weeks.