Same building, new name

Haven’t yet appealed this yet as I don’t have one available for a couple of weeks. I found a waypoint at a location where the name of the building has changed, Nothing about the building other the name and the sinage has changed. I submitted a photo and name edit, but forgot to do the description. The title edit got rejected almost straight away via ML, which may be justifiable, but wanted to check to see if I need to remove the existing waypoint and resubmit it, or should an appeal with a correct appeal statement suffice?


If I deserve a slap on the wrist, I’ll take it.


That won’t be needed. (Did I misunderstand the meaning of this emoticon?)

I looked into your recent title rejections just out of curiosity and I believe I was able to locate the contribution you were referring to. And if I’m right, I would not appeal that. The building was acquired and is used for a completely different purpose from what I could find. In this case, it should be reviewed by the community before it can be added.

Only if you wish to be healthy :man_running:


There’s multiple uses for the emoticon… as I chose to be cautious. :joy:

So is it worth putting a request for removal and resubmit as a new location?

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In my case, if I want to cause an earthquake… I don’t think the locals would appreciate it.

But that doesn’t make it right. It would be a shame if that gets removed and there is no POI connected to it.


Yet, it highlights the apprehension many of the community feels about handling edits like that.

Right or wrong, your volunteer force doesn’t like it and handling it your way has painted targets on us by the local community when they are dissatisfied with such removals.


@NianticAaron I have a “same pub, new name” issue myself. I submitted a new photo, title and description for it. The photo was automatically accepted, the description is currently in community voting, and the title change was rejected by Niantic and then the rejection was upheld on appeal.

Two different news articles that I found, plus the listing for the pub on the Campaign For Real Ale website, all use language that suggests that the pub has been refurbished, renamed and reopened, rather than it being an entirely new business. The locals who frequent the pub are still the same. The people pulling the pints behind the bar are still the same. It’s just the name and some of the internal fittings that have changed. To me, that all makes me believe it’s the same pub as before the name change. However, the Niantic reviewers accused me of attempting to repurpose the wayspot, even after I included a link to one of those news articles as evidence during my appeal of the initial decision.

I fully agree that repurposing a wayspot shouldn’t be done, because when something like a post office closes and becomes a chiropractor, that obviously is an entirely different thing, and whilst the post office meets the criteria, the chiropractor almost certainly doesn’t. So I obviously wouldn’t have submitted these edits if I believed that what I was doing was repurposing, and I’m frustrated that I got accused of trying to do so with this Wayspot, even after I provided what I believed to be reasonable justification for it.

The pub was submitted and accepted as a great place to socialise. It’s clearly still a great place to socialise given that the exact same people are going there. So would it be too much to ask for some common sense here please?


What would be the best approach for this scenario? Removal request and submit it as a new location? I want to make sure I go about this the right way.

Just because a pub is replaced by another, it’s not a slam dunk approval. The new pub should be vetted on its own merits.

If it’s a name change, it makes sense to edit the title

Honestly I would not remove a pub and re add it just because it had a new sign and some paint. If we arent allowed to do it then I would just leave it and let someone else take the risk, or live with it being incorrect. It creates a tonne of work, and would require multiple steps and possible
re submissions or appeals to remove and re-add. Plus, the local community would absolutely be angry and could ostracise anyone who removed something in this manner. This would be a huge concern for anyone who risks losing friends over this stuff. It would be especially problematic if the pub/item were a gym in PoGo. I would prefer to skip all that effort and drama and I’m fairly sure I’m not the only one.

Linked to this, how do we feel about the opposite - new building/item, same name? For example upgraded, rebuilt places which are the same function as before, just new? For example a swimming pool is demolished and re-built to modern standards at the same site, a pub is damaged in a fire and is re built and re opens, a playground is renovated with all the equipment replaced, and made larger, a community centre in an old building is replaced by a new modern premises on the same site? I would assume in these cases we can simply update the images, improve/add descriptions and update the location if the new item is in a slightly different place on the site?

I really want to understand what counts as repurposing, and what to edit and what to stay away from so that I dont get banned for updating this 10 year old map :sweat_smile:


Considering they said this pub is mentioned by the campaign for real ale, its going to be an eligible waypoint regardless. CAMRA pubs are great - they promote small, local brewers and are all about great drinks and pubs being responsible social spaces.

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I think the situation with new builds is different, especially if it has been flattened. You need to get everything in the right place and frankly starting a park with a clean map might be preferable nice new signs, facilities etc.
I had this situation recently and saved upgrades ready to submit everything but I wish there could be a holistic approach to ease the process but when you look into the practicalities start to fall apart.

Isn’t it hard to remove something that exists though? Unless you do it at the time its demolished and then wait several weeks/months/years to add a new one? In which case we’re back to the issue of becoming very unpopular with other players. And if youre finding these items mid build or when the new one is already there, surely its hard to remove since google etc will show that its open, active, real etc

Like you say, a process that works for everything seems hard to find

I mean @MargariteDVille says it from time to time, that she recommend to nominate at first the new place and after that delete the old :woman_shrugging:t2:


I’d have to have faith in the community reviewers knowing what they are doing and Niantic appeal team knowing what they are doing before I had something removed to potentially be rejected/accepted later.

I’d be fine if it was only Emily reviewing. Not because I think it knows what it’s doing but more because I think it’s a bit broken at the moment :robot: :heartbeat:


Not with proper evidence. Fairly easy if you know the process.

It is what it is, weeks/months/years with an unsafe waypoint is pretty bad.

You’re telling them its you? I’d keep anonymous.

Again, not hard with the proper evidence.