Hi, I’m really confused about what I’m nominating. In Ingress, it seems like I’m nominating Portals and in Pokémon Go it seems like I’m nominating PokéStops, but my nominations keep appearing in both games!
I even submitted a nomination for a Portal in Ingress and another for a PokéStop in Pokémon Go. The PokéStop got marked as a duplicate and is showing up with my Portal nomination instead.
I think you’ll understand my confusion.
It’s very clear I’m choosing the location for a Portal:
Anyways, things get back to normal and I explain why my PokéStop is important, using game-specific terms like Trainers and PokéStop, since the game tells me to do exactly that:
So why do my nominations keep appearing in the wrong games? I wanted to mention in the respective descriptions how great the PokéStop will be for Trainers and how awesome the Portal will be for Agents, but instead all my Ingress references are showing up in Pokémon while all my Pokémon references show up in Ingress!
No matter in which game you submit a wayspot, it will end up in the Wayfarer and will be accepted or rejected as a Wayfarer wayspot. The games that synchronize wayspots with Wayfarer each have their own rules.
If you are unlucky, your wayspot will end up in the wrong game. Or you try to find out the rules for the respective game^^
It’s not the same. All the game references I keep putting in my descriptions are ending up in the wrong games.
All my portals are showing up in Pokémon, but they’re also in Ingress. It’s the opposite for all my PokéStops. I want to make my nominations specific to the games I’m nominating for.
But then I can’t do my game-specific descriptions!
Thanks! I always start conversations in bathrooms, regardless of whether they’re public or private bathrooms, so I know how great they are for socializing and always make sure to mention some of the great conversations I’ve had when nominating a given bathroom.
I’m still confused about why I can’t have my game-specific nominations, though.
Never put in game references into your nominations. Both games (and others ) use the same basic nomination system to create wayspots. Why Niantic don’t make this clear is beyond most of us, but leads to a lot of confusion. Whether accepted nominations appear or not is determined by each games own rules on density/spacing.
When in doubt, this OP is absolutely taking the piss. My Moderator finger is itching to go to work because I feel bad for the people who are replying in earnest.
While the topic is clearly joking, it does raise a very good point.
Why DO the games still include game specific references all through the nomination process? Can we get this stuff re-written? It wouldn’t be hard. Adding one sentence and doing a word substitution for the rest of the process might clear up a ton of confusion for people!
“You have 11 Wayspot nominations available today. 1 more Wayspot nomination will be added tomorrow. If approved, your wayspot may become a portal, and may also be used in other games.”
All nominations are not game specific. For instance if you nominate a pokestop it will sometimes, not sure if it happens all the time, appear in ingress as well as Pokémon. It may also have to do with the S2 cells. If there is already a pokestop in that cell the rest of your submissions will appear in other games if accepted. As for nominations made through ingress and appearing in Pogo, I can’t speak on that as I haven’t nominated through Ingress.
Why not? The games tell me to describe what I’m submitting and if I’m submitting a Portal the way I describe it is different than if I’m describing a PokéStop. There’s a lot of Ingress lore that doesn’t belong in the PokéStop description, and PoGo stuff like “Lure it up!” that shouldn’t go into a Portal description.
I checked for “Kitchen” in the eligibility list in PoGo a while back, because I do agree that my toaster is worthy of a Portal (though I don’t really want a PokéStop there).
What else am I supposed to do when Niantic asks me to describe my PokéStop?
I don’t see any of my descriptions in Pikmin or Monster Hunter, and I can’t submit new flowers or bone piles, so this problem is really unique to Ingress and Pokémon.
It’s great when other people understand! Thanks!
Look, what you want to do in the privacy of your bedrooms is fine by me, but please don’t try to drag me into this, it’s not my thing. Or bathrooms, I guess.
That’s a great question! You’re really getting to the heart of my confusion here.
I’m definitely finding it to be a very immersive experience!
You should give it a try! It’s really hard to avoid mentioning portals in the description!
It would be quite wrong to give detailed clarification as to which domestic rooms were eligible.
Take a step back and look at the broader picture and stick to the core criteria.
Is a kitchen a place for exercise? Maybe in some cases but mine is tiny. Great place for socialising. Absolutely. At any party tge best place to be is the kitchen. Explore? possibly depends what’s cooking.
And who doesn’t like a slice of toast. Job done.
Why not? The games tell me to describe what I’m submitting and if I’m submitting a Portal the way I describe it is different than if I’m describing a PokéStop. There’s a lot of Ingress lore that doesn’t belong in the PokéStop description, and PoGo stuff like “Lure it up!” that shouldn’t go into a Portal description.
Ok? So? Where does adding game specific lore become relevant to describing a piece of public art, a library, a painted electrical box, a historical plaque?