I was appealing some old submissions (confirmed that it was still there) and I’m not set in getting this approved just curious how the appeals team decided a custom stained glass window for a bar and grill was a common design? I googled stained glass windows for bars and didn’t find anything that would make this design seem mass produced. Even if that’s the case a lot of angel statues and other such art would also be ineligible right?
I’m just getting back to wayfarer and trying to figure out what the rules are and this one was confusing.
I would recommend reading the criteria and help pages. There have been changes over time.
Regarding your submission, instead of the glass door, I would submit the bar / grill restaurant itself it it is a great place for socialising. But if the bar is primarily adult orientated business, that’s a rejection reason and even the stained glass at the door is not eligible.
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I will always choose art over submitting a business. It’s a bar and grill that serves food so should not be restricted as an adult oriented as far as I know.
Edit: but that wasn’t what Niantic rejected my appeal for, which is the point of my post.
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But the glass isn’t “A great place for exploration”. IMHO
The appeals reviewers seem to have an inventory of responses they can chose from. I agree with them that this is just designed to represent the business, rather than art someone would seek out on its own value. I think the advice to submit the business is great, and is what I would do.
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Fair enough, I guess I misunderstood the business signage section of the criteria. I won’t be resubmitting but thanks for your insights.
I think a stained glass sign for a business is great under the explore criteria, same as other art. That’s much better than a restaurant nomination just because it sells food. Stained glass is fairly rare, and casts nice light.
If you are intent on resubmitting this as art, then you need to convince the reviewer it is art. Some will already be leaning towards accepting, like @MargariteDVille. For the rest of us, the more you can research and prove about this as a piece of art, the better. For example, the name of the artist, any articles about having the work commissioned, any social media posts about the art being installed.
@missionaddicts8 the restaurant may have commissioned a local craftsperson to do the stained glass. You may want to ask them about it 
Also - reviewers prefer primary pictures taken straight-on. Pick a panel to be the main picture, and stand straight out from it to frame it in your photo.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I’m not intending to resubmit and spend time researching to convince reviewers that an art form is valid. I think a lot of your advice is great but also arbitrary (my photo is clear and shows exactly what I’m submitting, it’s also highly reflective and I don’t even like a silhouette in my submission photos).
Like I said, not a great place to explore? Totally fine with that explanation. I couldn’t make a case beyond unique art for most submissions. My issue was the phrase “ineligible as it is one of the commonly found stained glass designs” from a Niantic representative because it is very obviously a custom piece.
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Sorry that was your original question!
Internal Niantic reviewers use a template for their responses. They often, if not always, put the word ‘common’ in front of anything they are denying.
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No worries, I appreciate everyone’s input! My city has like one skate park building, a bridge underpass and one street with building murals and the rest is a sea of beige so it always catches my eye when business owners add some color and artistry where ever they can. I didn’t intend to come here to argue at all, I think the stained glass is cool and it’s ok that it won’t be part of the games. We have plenty of wayspots!
I would have preferred a straight on image but I think that artwork essentially looks fine. Hard to say because the text is missing but i would think it would have been ok.
It does not appear to be common stained glass artwork.
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