Submission marked as duplicate and appeal rejected

Wayspot Title: Island Snowball Art Mural
Location (lat/lon): (29.8592563, -95.6457781)
City: Houston
Country: United States
Additional information: I nominated an art mural that is not an existing Wayspot, and it was rejected for being a duplicate. Whenever I go to submit it, I do not see any duplicates in any games, or duplicate whenever I went to nominate it on the map

Welcome @Arielotl

This is a Wayspot that does show as a Portal in Ingress

In order to show in Pokemon Go, a Wayspot must be alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about that:

You can check in your nomination map screen for Wayspots you can’t see in Pokemon Go by turning on the toggle like this:

In only works over a short distance, so you have to be right there on site to see the other Wayspots. I hope this helps!

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The photo you submitted has been added to the Wayspot.

Island Snowball Mural

What do you recommend to see these portals? I was within the restaurant whenever I nominated it and it still did not show as a pre-existing portal when I had the bottom left toggle on. I tried to use Pogomap and ingress and neither of them show any portals in my area, for example there is a church down the road of me and it does not show on either sites. Thank you for your help

If it wasn’t showing when you were in the restaurant with the toggle, then maybe it was accepted after you checked, and you just had unfortunate timing. I can’t check how old a Wayspot is through Ingress. The screen snip I showed you is from iitc, which is a map of Ingress portals, with a pogotools overlay to show cells.

What is the name of the church?

Hi @Arielotl
Is your device language english?
There was a bug recently where the toggle didn’t work if your device language is not english

If it is this church, it is in the same L17 S2 cell as another Portal (I did say “Portal” on purpose instead of Wayspot since I am looking at a map for Ingress)

The other Portal is this one

oh good thought! that is supposed to be fixed now but could have been the issue.

How do you do that in ingress or the wayfarer app? I didn’t generally play Pokemon go but I submit portals frequently and honestly it’s frustrating.

It is iitc (a map of Ingress portals) and a pogotools overlay for the S2 cells.

I don’t use the Wayfarer app since I am not an ambassador or a developer. But @NvlblNm keeps offering to help me become the latter XD

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Oh I misunderstood the question. There is no way to do this in Ingress comparable to the PoGo toggle, and it drives me crazy, too.

I appreciate both of your answers on this. I have always been leery of using iitc myself since I don’t know if it’s really Niantic approved and I know people were banned a few years ago for guardian hunting using a third party app that basically took Intel from ingress comms and sorted it in a meaningful manner.

To it’s credit from what I have seen of iitc it’s a fantastic tool for ingress especially for planning fields.

Niantic is probably not going to say it is “approved” but they have been letting me share these screenshots freely, and even post a screenshot of the right version of pogotools - although they did remove a direct link for internet safety reasons, and sent me a nice message about why.

The offer stands - you’re incredibly helpful to everyone and very effective even without using the app, but it is a hindrance, and if I could help you be comfortable with using it for the things it’s useful for, many people could benefit further from your help.

If developing a “hello world” app is what it takes to use it, I think we can make you a developer whenever you’re ready to say yes.


Myself I have actually started using the wayfarer app to submit portals ( I don’t honestly know why people say it’s an app for developers anyone can create an account ) it doesn’t crash like ingress likes to taking pictures, it loads faster and it shows wayspots that don’t show up in the games. It also let’s you select the category of the wayspot. Honestly for people that are into making wayspots it’s a superior tool.

Don’t. Please stop.


You do realise that wayspots submitted through the app are not eligible to be used in any games, right? You’re effectively creating dead wayspots if you do this, as well as going against what Niantic have said many times, which is to not use the app.

The category selection thing is largely irrelevant, and if you really want the ability to select categories, you can always submit through Pokémon Go or wait for the Ingress team to update their submission process.


You seem very confident with that statement, yet the tool is out there published publicly ( and Niantic if they desired to could remove it or restrict access by not allowing people to create accounts ) but also as of 1 day ago a wayspot I submitted via said app was in fact published to ingress, so I question the authority you speak with.

@NianticThibs has previously stated that wayspots submitted through the app intentionally do not sync to games, and there were plenty of documented cases of this being the case on the previous forum. If yours synced, you’ve been incredibly lucky and it’s not intentional.

Likewise, I’m sure both @NianticAaron and @NianticAtlas have given instructions multiple times not to use the app for submissions on both versions of the forum.


So you’re advocating that Niantic should remove the availability of the useful functionality that can safely be used, just to prevent people like you from abusing the app?

Wonderful. Thanks for ruining it for everyone else.