The Tikvah's Aquarium waypoint appeal

  • Wayspot Title:The Tikvah’s Aquarium

  • Location (lat/lon):32.052499, 34.790434

  • City:Tel-Aviv

  • Country:Israel

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): i just want to know why the waypoint wasn’t accepted, there are barely waypoints in this specifc area and it could be really useful.

Density of Wayspots has nothing to do with meeting Wayfarer criteria.

This post should be moved to Nomination Support - I think you can move it, or a mod can - and we will need to see screenshots of your nomination from your contributions page in order to help.

It appears to me that this is a holding tank to sell fish, not a tank meant for the enjoyment of keeping fish as “pets.” I’ve rejected lobster tanks in restaurants that are just the place to keep your dinner alive until you order it. I wouldn’t approve a tank for selling fish any more than i would approve a place to sell dogs or cats.

If you think this is not for selling fish (in the market), you need to address that in the submission.

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Your email saying “our team” and the rejection for “Wayfarer crtieria” indicates that the ML (machine learning ai) model did not detect anything eligible in this nomination. In this case, I think a main photo of a sign about the aquarium would be an easier one to get past the ML filter. If there is no sign, back up and take a photo that includes the entire fish tank to give some context rather than the closer shot of the water and fish.

What is your supporting photo and text?

nah the fish are tiny and super colorful, i’m pretty sure they’re only for show.
plus my gf knows this place for years and she said that this aquarium has been there for at least 4-5 years.

OK, your supporting does nothing to explain how this meets wayfarer criteria. Basically, all you’ve said is “this exists, trust me, bro.”

Your supporting info needs to tell us what criteria it meets outside of being a spot in any game. And you need to help us understand how to prove that this is located where you’ve pinned it. Why is there a fish tank here?

But, since this was rejected by ML, you also need to improve the main photo so ML knows what it is looking at.

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I think this photo does a good job of showing where the aquarium is located. I know the prompt tells you to explain why this would be good for the game, but actually this box is to explain how this meets the criteria of a great place for exercise, exploration, or being social. If there is any extra information that reviewers need to know to be assured that this is what you say it is and is where you say it is, you can put that here as well. If the only thing you can say about the nomination is that you need Pokestops, this can actually hurt your nomination’s chance of being accepted.

(I would avoid having a recognizable person in the photo, even in the supporting, to avoid a “submitter identifiable” rejection.)

  1. i’ll try to improve the main photo, what specifically does it have to include?
  2. what else would you need to know about the point? i can answer everything :slight_smile:

you need to take a photo that centers the aquarium and shows the edges for context. this is not “how to trick the ai”, just how to take a great photo. google aquariums for sale to get an idea how to make it very clear what you are submitting, maybe something like this one

Your description is actually okay, but I would add more to it if you can find out more, like what kind of fish are featured or more about the tile surrounding the aquarium to really set it off as art.

For the supporting I would mention how this point of interest meets criteria of an interesting destination for exploration, and explain where in the market it is located to convince reviewers it is there.

If you don’t want to try again with a new submission, or if it is difficult for you to get there to take new photos, then you can appeal. You get two appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use them again. If you are not seeing the “Appeal” button, then you don’t currently have one available to use. I prefer to try at least one more time before I make an appeal.

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yeah i wasn’t aware of the appeal button on the main website until i checked my submission there lol already done that ^^

thanks a lot cyndie! you’ve been a huge help :3


it just struck me as i was typing that last bit that i may not have made it clear that you can’t do appeals for rejected nominations on the forum, and i apologize if that wasn’t clear that we were just trying to help with a new nomination

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it’s fine don’t worry about it, i’ll take everything as pointers for the next time i’ll try to do a stop.

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