I was reviewing and noticed something strange in this wayspot:
So I investigated the sorroundings and found this:
Clearly this guy is using some kind of photoshop and images that you can find in Google lens so please do something and be severe because lately i been seeing this alot! Thanks!
You are able to report submissions for abuse, and they will then be reviewed by Niantic. There is also a web-based forum for reporting Wayfarer abuse at the following link:
Welcome @Escipion
If you see something that you think ought to be reported there is a link at the top of this forum to report abuse.
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So my report wont be reviewed here? @NianticAaron
Hey, @Escipion! I’ve shared your report with the team for review, and I’ll update you once I have more information. Also, if you notice any abuse later on, you may use the link above to report them.
There is a link to reporting abuse, so the forums are usually not the place to report. You are also kept anonymous when using the Report Abuse link, where here your username is visiable.
We reviewed this report and took action on the Wayspots and Wayfinders in accordance with our policies. Thanks for helping us maintain the quality of the Wayspots.