Title Edit accepted but never synced to game

I would like to request support with a persistent sync bug affecting a wayspot near me. The Wayspot is called “Graham Memorial Chapel” and is located at 38.648292, -90.309141. On 5/18/24, I submitted a Title Edit to change the name from “WashU Graham Chapel” to “Graham Memorial Chapel”. This Title Edit was approved by the community on 5/26/24 (see screenshot below):

Frustratingly, this Title Edit never synced with Pokemon Go. As of today (9/19/24), the in-game title still has not changed from the old name (see screenshot below):

However, the same Title Edit did sync with Ingress, which displays the updated title (see screenshot below):

Others (including myself in the past, see this thread from May 2024) have reported occasional syncing issues between Lightship and Niantic’s games. Sometimes, after days, the affected wayspots will magically sync all of a sudden. However in this case, the failure to sync has lasted almost 4 months.

I am not sure what other way to resolve this issue than to ask for help on the forum! Thank you in advance for anyone at Niantic who can look into this issue and help solve it. Issues like this are very deflating for Wayfarers like me who put in so much time and research to submit high quality edits to improve the gameboard. If Wayfarers perceive that approved edits might not ever be synced to the game maps, this majorly disincentives us from submitting edits in the future…

Lightship does have the correct title, so it seems like mainly a PoGo sync issue.

Thanks for checking that @DTrain2002! How do you look at Lightship directly? Also, doesn’t the “Current” status for wayspots on Wayfarer contribution portal reflect the Lightship database? For example, in my first screenshot where I show the Title Edit acceptance, wouldn’t the “Current Wayspot Title” it displays (ie “Graham Memorial Chapel”) necessarily reflect whatever is in Lightship?

Yes, thats one essy way to know

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I have pushed a fix. The PokéStop should now reflect the correct title and location.


And what happen with the thousands of wayspots that didn’t sync on those dates? Is there any way to adress this problem to the PoGo Team so they fix this problem?

Could you please share a few examples?

Yes I DM you some examples.

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I’ll review the examples shared and will take this discussion there.