Trail / Way Markers Still Being Gatekeeped

That’s my friend’s nomination :grin:

We have lots accepted.

Another guy I know has been submitting these for ages and having them accepted even before Niantics said they were eligible lol.

I’ve also had many accepted some metal footpath markers.

Little update on an Appeal I did for the one of the first ones…

Mass Produced Item… No. That’s for things like Traffic cones/Plastic Bags etc. Not Trail Markers

Really need to replace out these people who don’t understand. Or am I being too harsh?


It’s very sad when appeals are not reviewed very well. But equally pretty sad when UK reviewers don’t review very well :sweat_smile:

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Thanks Emily!

Never to date have we managed to get a waypoint approved for this style of sign. I guess it confused reviewers having public footpaths combined with 2 different bike trails all on 1 sign?

I’m pleased, as these are quite a common sign format in the suburban parts of my area, so struggling to get them accepted the last few months has been frustrating


Can 100% gurantee if i had that app id forget to only use for supporting phot and accidently upload the main picture with gps position and have it be rejected lol


Can definitely see myself either using the app for both images or neither :laughing:

As a side note, i hope that trail markers arent bwign gatekept, think i submitted i this morning, couple of Trails and Tales, then about 4 sign posts rhat had either 2 or 3 of

Clyde costal path

West Highland Way

Healthy habits

I got a local bike trail accepted today via upgrade. And the one I shared that was due to AI. So todsy has been a very good day. Sadly it just isnt consistent

I did hve a cycle marker accepted by emily today. Im hoping cause ive done loads of trial markers emily will accept them tomorow after the 24 hour window from submiting to being ble to go into voting passes lol

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Update, of the u trail markers i submitted, emily reviewed 6 of them and passed rhem (plus a mural, a nature walk entrance and a plaque). Dunno why it didnt review the other 2 trail markers (its reviewed and passed kne similar before). Mist be some different kind of trigfer word for it


Whom ever it was at Niantic i appreciate it. Seems someone had a change of mind. I shall continue to resubmit the rest.

Now someone can climb this hill on this walk , look at the amazing view and have this Hub of available resource at hand.


So these stickers get accepted but my sticker marker submissions get removed even after Niantic employees and AI approve them?

They aren’t stickers. They are vinyl weather resistant trail markers. Just the same as the ones nailed to the wooden posts, or branded to metal objects on the route. It’s a legit trail , proven by route maps and a website link that shows the trail , plus a book you can purchase.

Try harder. Post yours here if you wish I’m happy to help as much as I can.

How do they get removed?

I have a whole thread: Appeal for restoration of all the removed trail markers in my area

They’re manually removed by a Niantic employee that seemingly hates trail markers and disagrees when other Niantic employees and the Niantic AI approves them.

Where are you located? How do you know it’s a Niantic employee? Could be a player with they’re own opinion on how the game should look. It’s very hard to get rid of Waypoints unless fully proven with evidence.

The Netherlands. For example, here (Appeal for restoration of all the removed trail markers in my area - #36 by GeneralSecura) I said that another of that type of trail marker had just been accepted by Niantic employees, and it never even showed up in the game. It was literally removed from the servers before the sync even happened. No player can do that. Only someone at Niantic can do that.

Edited to remove reference to an individual.

I’ve just scanned that thread. It is quite complex. I’m going to bid you good luck with the future Waypoint creation and steer clear of any intanglement. :white_check_mark:

Not everything shows up in certain games due to inclusion. But, may be used in the future. :white_check_mark: