Travel Recommendations for Niantic players

I’m not far from London @LetsRollGirl. London is a very good place to play Pokémon Go (and I’m sure all other games-just never tried those). Central areas are dense with waypoints but I’m sure there would be some things to submit especially further from the centre, especially if you’re not worried about them being lightship only.

My tip for the weather in London and the UK is to expect wet and miserable but also expect a lot of change. Yesterday here was 20c and sunny, today is thick fog that’s left everything damp. Expect more of the latter than the former, and you’ll probably get a lot of drizzle, or just proper rain and high winds. It won’t likely be freeezing cold down south, just chilly and damp, which I think is worse than a dry cold sometimes.

It gets dark between 4-5pm in November in the UK, with noticable differences in Scotland vs London. You will also notice a difference in the interaction radius in the game! Up north its wider.

I would recommend a Go Plus+ if you dont have one. It means you can leave your phone safe (and dry) in your bag and still play. If your phone is in your hand, do be a bit wary in London. There are thieves who target phones.

To travel around London, use the Tube. The Underground network is really efficient and cost effective. You can pay as you go with your contactless on your phone or a card, or you can get a ticket if you prefer.


Oh nice, not actually as bad as I was thinking but yes, very cold and needs good clothing to stay warm out and about

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Y’all are leaving out all the vital information!

Have you been saving up your nominations?! How many will you be able to take with you on the trip? 80? 40?

If you’re going to be with people, you need to make sure they know at the beginning of the trip that you are going to need short breaks to grab photos of places. Let them know that all of your plans for the day need to have a little time padding so you can take photos of something if/when you see it. If you’re not in a rush, they shouldn’t mind pausing for 10 minutes here and there to let you take your photos. Then submit through Ingress whenever you have a natural break, maybe at night if you haven’t traveled too far away. If your companion gets tired of you making submissions, use that as a time to reflect on the place you went to. Get them involved in doing the research for your submission so they learn about the thing you noticed and photographed.


I will be full up on 40 available nominations at the start of the trip.

While my companions don’t play, this will be taking plenty of photos themselves. I suspect I may be sending the nominations in while back at the hotel. But will keep distance in mind. (Luckily I’ll be submitting through Ingress).

But I like the idea of having somewhat of a daily plan. I’ll need to look at our schedule and work on that.


For Go finding anything in the center of Edinburgh, Newcastle and London might be a struggle.

Lightship a bit easier

The walk from the Castle down to Holyrood ( Holly-Rude) Palace takes about 25 minutes. Even one small 10m section has these not added

Statue of Robert Ferguson isn’t even on the map, although it may be in for repairs at the moment


Yep Alta in November was on purpose to see the Northern Lights. We were supposed to do a trip years ago to see them, but then Covid became a thing.

I will reach back to my friend that is planning that part of the trip. I do think we have a guide for some of it…?

But I may very well reach back to you for more information as we get closer. I do appreciate your insight! And everyone else’s as it applies to each area.

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I’m going to struggle a bit nominating in densely populated areas like this. I don’t (currently) play Pokémon Go. So I won’t have the luxury of having the map toggle. Not that I mind adding to Lightship only.

Maybe you’ll even see it in the UK as well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Wishing you clear skies for the Norwegian part of the trip

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Football (footy) in Australia is an entirely different game. One where goals are worth 6 pts you can use your hands to catch the ball and a clean tackle turns the ball over.

Heading out shortly :heart_eyes_cat:

I’ll drop posts here when I get to different parts of my trip. But I figured I’d share my calling card so you could recognize me in the wild…

As said I’ll jump in and update etc on certain legs of the journey! I’d love to say hi in person if it makes sense.

@26thDoctor , @Trollfarer , @elijustrying ,
@hankwolfman, @frealafgb


I hope you have a wonderful trip!!

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I’m also planning for a big trip next summer and I’ve found a lot of “oh, I MUST go see that” kinda things on the Scaniverse app’s “Discover” screen - so that’s now part of my overall travel-planning process!


Have fun, when are you getting to Alta?

Thanks :smiley_cat:

We will be there the 13th - 15th if I’m reading my itinerary correctly.

I’m not sure where I’ll be over the next few weeks but feel free to message when you are on the island :slight_smile:

Have a safe journey :luggage:


@26thDoctor - full days in and around Edinburgh are the 9-11th.


We are here :smile_cat:

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There banned for 10 years so I don’t think you’ll receive a message, but I don’t know what you can do when suspended/banned

If anyone tries to get you to eat Haggis (and you haven’t tried it before), run a mile! Be wary of Black Pudding… Also, Fried Wrapped Mars Bars, Fried Pizza and Irn Bru… if you don’t try them at least once… you are missing out. And good luck finding some nominations for Pogo!

Black pudding is amazing though!!