Upgrade taking too long


I have upgraded a wayspot about 4 weeks ago and still nothing happened (at least it’s in voting, but nothing more) - usually it took a week or 10 days max, don’t know if there is something wrong ?
I could see other recent similar issues in this forum


thanks for your help

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Sometimes upgrades take longer to get through. I can’t remember the exact reason, but it could be down to the number of people (local and further afield) who see your nomination in their queue. I think we all appreciate how keen you are to see your nomination get approved, but give it time and be patient, and it will happen quicker than you think.

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I just upgraded a submission about 2 hours ago, and it’s now in voting. I’m in the US, and most of my upgraded submissions have been taking about 2-3 days to be resolved. I don’t know where you are located, but some upgrade areas do take longer to reach resolution.

All voting, whether on an upgraded or non-upgraded submission, depend on the number of reviewers in the review area. Even some upgrade review areas may have few reviewers, or few reviewers with Good or Great ratings.

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This one is in France in a place where I already proposed several ones and all went accepted (or refused) very fast in a few days, like everywhere else I proposed. That’s why I was surprised, but ok I’ll wait some more days wait and see… :hourglass:

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Link question

Normally, if you use the upgrade right, the result comes out within 10 days, but I stayed in the screening process for two months recently and inquired, and it was approved immediately.

I hope you get a quick result…

@wayfarer_team Could someone take a look at this? Thanks!


Niantic staff already confirmed that the upgrades not working anymore is something “working as intended” :upside_down_face:

There are times when am upgraded submission can get stuck, and this seems like the case for the OP, since they’ve had other submissions resolved that were submitted after this one.

Ok it was accepted today (after nearly 1 month).
Thanks to all :slight_smile:


Great to hear!

It may be “intended” but this sort of takes away the point of earning and using upgrades, IMO.


These issues most likely are very rare, as there are many using upgrades every day, and getting a quick resolution. My submission that I had just upgraded was resolved within 6 hours of upgrading it.

I think there are times upgraded submissions somehow get stuck, and again, this is a very rare issue. If this was an issue affecting all using upgrades, I think you would see a lot more users posting about this, and Niantic taking more action.