I applied an upgrade to a nomination almost 2 weeks ago and yet there has been no resolution. I applied another upgrade a few days ago to a different nomination and it got accepted immediately after a day. Is this normal? What can be done for my first upgraded nomination to move? It seems stuck in voting.
It can be normal. I’ve had some in the past that have been upgraded and not been approved / rejected for what feels like over a month.
Hello and welcome,
Yes, this can be normal with upgraded submissions, as just like with non-upgraded submissions, there is no exact timeframe for resolution, as it depends on the votes received. This is noted in the Wayfarer FAQ:
How many reviews does it take to make a final decision on a Wayspot’s eligibility?
This exact number cannot be disclosed at this time, however, we can say that this depends on the performance of each individual Wayfinder.
Others have noted upgraded submissions taking more than a few days to be resolved, as it does depend on the number of votes. And if you’re in an area with few reviewers, or reviewers have skipped your submission, it could take longer than a few days.
Taking a few days is okay but a couple of weeks is unacceptable imo. I don’t think the number of reviewers is a factor too since I have one that I upgraded recently that got accepted after one day.
In what part of the world are you? Seems like ive seen more people complaining than what is usual.
The nomination you’re referring to is in voting and is working as intended. Please be patient and you should receive a resolution soon.
Philippines. Until now, one of my upgraded noms is stuck in queue and another has been in voting for more than 2 weeks. What kind of rewards is this
A better reward than one that has been rejected straight after it has been upgraded.
Sounds like your votes are split. Some like it, some don’t.
If everyone votes the same (thumbs up or thumbs down) - it reaches resolution faster.
If reviewers disagree, it takes more reviewers to come to a consensus.
I encouraged the OP to post here because of the unusual length of time this upgrade was taking for the area. Staff has said this is “working as intended” which is not satisfying but is an answer. I hope to see resolution soon.
I think a number of issues are at play
There were always less reviewers than nominators. And worse in some areas. Emily cleaned a lot up. Equals less reviewers as you don’t need to help get the queue down.
Emily broke. Queue backs up. Less reviewers. Takes longer
And as MargariteDVille said. Even in an upgrade situation. When in voting - the numbers have to work to process the upgrade. The same rules apply for passing. More say yes or no more likely to process quickly. But if the numbers are mixed then just like any other noms it takes longer and needs more reviewers
Which I suspect there are less of. So it takes a bit longer now.
Upgrades or not - you need a big enough pool of reviewers to process. So I am sticking to my hypothesis… .
Good luck @MasterJohnny13 hope they go through soon