Additional Information (if any): the real logo of Botosani which is represented by a bright advertisement pokestop proposed and photographed especially for pokemon go first
This is not where you appeal a rejected nomination. You do that from your contributions page Niantic Wayfarer
You get two appeals, each on a 20 day counter before you can use them again. If you are not seeing the appeal button, then you don’t have one to use.
If you would like our advice on whether you should resubmit or appeal this nomination, you can post screenshots of the nomination. This conversation should be moved to Nomination Support if you would like to do that.
I looked at this area on both satellite and Street View on Google Maps, and I’m not seeing anything that would be a permanent logo for this city. This location is a plaza surrounded by shops, with a large statue in the middle. There are flags on the side, most of which seem to be the Romanian and EU flags, which aren’t eligible, as they’re indistinct. I am wondering if the logo you speak of are on these, which would also make them indistinct, although the location is in the middle of the plaza, not to the side, like the flagpoles, and I don’t see anything there.
Being that you posted about the mosaic art you nominated, but using 3rd party photos, I am wondering if you have reviewed Wayspot Criteria, which can be found here:
If this was used as the main photo, it’s off center, not well orientated. There’s also a good deal of foreground and background, and you really want to focus solely on the name statue. Here’s an example of a city sign I nominated and got approved: