Wayspot Appeal Not Accepted

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Ray Bastin Reserve Playground
  • Location (lat/lon):
  • City: Narre Warren South, Victoria
  • Country: Australia
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): I was going through my submissions yesterday and appealing some of my older rejected nominations with the hope that they may be re-assessed and accepted. I appealed this one because the rejection notice stated it wasn’t culturally or historically significant… it is a playground.

I received an email today about my appeal for this wayspot not being accepted because I used a third party photo. The problem is it wasn’t a third party photo, it was a photo I took on location. Below is a screenshot of the photo from my camera roll along with the photo I took of the surrounding area. Both of the photos have date and time stamps.

Welcome to the forum @TheLostLegend

Have you ever uploaded those photos anywhere else on the Internet? That can sometimes cause a false positive when using image searches.

Also, there appears to be other wayspots connected to this play area. Typically there should only be one wayspot to represent the play area as a whole, rather than wayspots for individual things within the play area.

Nope, never uploaded them anywhere else.

I am not sure about Ingress, but in Pokemon Go there used to be a stop associated with a part of that playground but it was removed because that part of the playground was removed. No other part of that playground is a stop in Pokemon Go which is why I tried to get it approved as the playground as a whole, although Ingress does have a set of swings that are adjacent to that playground as a portal but these swings aren’t a part of the playground itself.

This exact photo is in google


Hmm, maybe I did grab it from Google then. The submission was from 2022 so I couldn’t remember if I had done that or not. I was certain I had taken the photo because I also took the photo of the surrounding area and even did a Google search to try and find the photo before posting this thread (in hindsight, I should have done a reverse search). Thanks for letting me know though. I’ll go back there at some point and try and resubmit with actual photos.

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I am curious. What is the difference between


Not a comment on your post, I just genuinely do not know.

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A Google search would just be:

“Park Place” and then going on Images

A reverse search would be better known as a Reverse Image Search, where you provide the image of “Park Place” and Google shows you if it found it elsewhere.

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