Hi there,
I’m posting here to find some advice from experimented users.
In november i asked for a nomination of an esplanade with the town logo painted on the floor. When i nominated i did it wrong because it was too close of other wayspots, when i realed it it was already in queue for voting.
Few days ago it was approved, obiously it didn’t shows in pogo because th POI shared a S2 cell with an other POI.
I checked on iitc and asked if it was possible to moove it to the center of the place, because it was close to the logo and it would take an empty S2 cell.
The support said it was ok and said that they would do the adjustment.
When the adjustment was made they did not put it where i asked but just 2 meters away making the POI landing in another S2 cell.
Of course the new position is ok but it’s not better than the one i asked for, i tried to ask for one more edit but this time it was not ok.
Now i really need advices, i have the feeling to have waste a wayspottable place which is sad.
I really think the community here needs more POI because there is some problems with a player and the gyms in the area.
Thank you for reading me, english is not my main language and i hope being understandable.
Hi, welcome to the forum!
You’re doing absolutely great in English that said don’t hesitate to post in your local language if you feel more comfortable, translation tools are available directly on the forum, and there might be speakers of your language on here.
What you are experiencing is a very common disappointment.
You didn’t say what game you play, but from the mentions of S2 cells and gyms I conclude it’s likely Pokémon GO. Generally speaking from the point of view of Wayfarer, how practical the wayspot is for you in some specific game has absolutely no relevance. This is odd coming from the perspective of a Pokémon GO player, but makes sense once you realize there are multiple other games out there who all have different inclusion rules and all take different subsets of wayspots from this database. So the only rule that can work is that pins have to be on the object. In your case, since the pin was already on the object, they made it more accurate in real life, but they cannot and will not take S2 cell arguments for wayspot moves. The only type of location edits that are valid are those that make the position more accurate, and Pokémon GO cells are neither part of criteria, nor of any official rule. The global database cannot be adjusted to accomodate the rules of what is at the end of the day one specific game.
I would therefore strongly not recommend asking support for game-related adjustments as they will not do them, which is exactly what you have experienced, and in the worst case using that kind of logic can get you warned.
Unfortunately it is likely there is nothing more to be done with this specific wayspot - I would recommend looking for something else to nominate in the area. I understand the disappointment, so if you are willing to share the location people on here are pretty good at finding other interesting things in the area based on Street View or satellite.
Hello and welcome @Louis71500
Thanks for raising your question.
Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done for this wayspot in terms of location of the pin. As it is on the object and the wayfarer team have decided on a correct location that is it. Any attempt now to move it would be considered as malicious and you could get a sanction. So it is best to walk away from this POI.
You can consider this a substitute wayspot in case the one that already occupies that cell is removed for any reason. We don’t know or understand powerspots and perhaps your wayspot will become a powerspot.
It’s in the database it could be used at some point.
We all make mistakes, but this is very small in the grand scale of things. Also sometimes there just are not objects where we want them to be, but that’s the way real life is.
Having found this object keep looking. I have walked past places lots of times before finally spotting something interesting that was there all along.
So yes it’s disappointing but the sooner you start looking the sooner you will find something worthy of being a wayspot.
Thank you for your answers guys, sadly i the kind of answers i was expecting. I should have nominate it as the town logo and then nominate the esplanade…Since it’s not in pogo i’m not even able to change the title.
The saddest thing to me is that’s pogo is the main game here, when i play ingress (i’m still low lv btw) i figured that there is only 2 players… (me included xD)
It’s frustrating because like i mentionned previously, i think the community really need some more gym
Mod Edit: Removed game references
If you feel comfortable about giving the name of the place over in nomination support, there are wayfinders who love to look around on satellite and street view to find things to nominate.
There is also this article about nominating in smaller more rural areas.
@elijustrying of course take a look! the wayspot is named “esplanade aux couleurs bénédictines”, it’s a big urban place (at least the biggest here) and it is used for events!
Hi can you give the name of town or co ordinates so I can find the place please.
I think I found it at Ingress Intel Map
Thank you
Ah Réunion. Interesting.
I shall move this to nomination support.
Have you some pictures of the esplanade.
That wave effect looks great.
I wonder if it can be submitted for the whole esplanade feature rather than the city logo. But some pictures would be good.
Hi guys i took some photos of the esplanade which can be tricky when you try to avoid hard sun or big rain.
I have think a lot about it and came to the conclusion that my nomination was not accurate enough from the start.
I shouldn’t have nominate the esplanade with the logo of the town or i should have call it ‘‘giant logo on floor’’.
Update: Grinding a bit in ingress, submitted an edit for the title and the description to match better with the picture.