Additional Information (if any): This wayspot is in the driveway of a private residence on the opposite side of the road from where the park is actually located. Another wayspot (“Stonewalled”) previously existed at the intersection of this driveway and the road but has since been removed. Additionally, there is a “Posted: No Trespassing” sign on a pole at the end of the driveway next to the mailbox present at the road (I submitted an updated wayspot photo taken from the park, but that was rejected as well).
If the Wayspot exists but is misplaced, you can use help chat to do a location edit that you cannot do in game. Go to the Help menu on the Wayfarer site Niantic Wayfarer and a chat bubble will pop up in the lower right corner.
I’ve walked through the park recently and have not seen a sign matching the wayspot photo. I suspect the park signs have been replaced and/or re-located since the wayspot was initially approved.
Thanks for the appeal, @padalabra. We took another look at the Wayspots in question and decided that they do not meet our criteria for removal at this time.
@padalabra is obviously perfectly capable of responding, but @NianticAtlas I can’t believe
you all left a wayspot on someone’s SFPRP.
It’s obviously in the driveway of the house that sits back. There are three houses on that side of the road and three driveways each with its own mailbox.
And there is a No Trespassing sign at the entrance to the driveway, as the OP said. @padalabra , did you submit these streeview screen shots with your request? Just curious.
Kind of strange how this wayspot did not meet the criteria for removal, but the “Stonewalled” waypoint that previously existed (at least in Ingress) somehow met the criteria for removal & that one was at the end of the driveway with the “Posted No Trespassing” sign.
The waypoint in question here is beyond the No Trespassing sign and on a private residential property, which is the second bullet point in the “Ineligible location, place, or object” section of the rejection criteria.
Please provide a rationale for keeping this wayspot in the system.
There is a sign up that is impossible to read in this street view but in an older one shows it says “Stonewalled”. In searching for what that was, I found that they used to host a Christmas light show, but did not last year. The Facebook posts make clear that this is a “home” and the profile says it is “Closed”
Mapquest also shows the light show and gives a link which goes nowhere:
I have not searched for the actual description of the plot, but it is likely that it explicitly grants the owner access through the municipally owned land. It is therefore up to the municipality whether anyone else has the right to access it.
If there is actually a trail there, then it would seem likely that the municipality has granted rights to others and the homeowners at the end of the driveway would not be able to prevent people from using it to access the trail.
Per my edit, I cannot speak to the validity of where the sign has been located in game. If the marker is not there, the wayspot should definitely be moved to the correct location.
My point was that the path this is along is a DRIVEWAY to a home as the original post says, not a “trail” as the Wayspot title indicates. I never said SFPRP. Thank you for making me make my point clear if it was not.
Yes, there are driveways that have public easements that provide access to trails. I do not have proof this is one of them. I do not have proof this is not one of them. I’m not going to go looking for that proof because I don’t care enough.
If there is a public easement here for trail access and the sign is accurately located, then I see no issue with the wayspot.
There is no trail there. You can see that from the main road. Where would the trail start and cross the street to the park on the other side of the main road. Why are you arguing the other side?
Alright, well that is something I have not seen before & I guess I did not pay attention to the detail in the trail map. I’ve just been discouraged by the “No Trespassing” sign at the end of that driveway. I’ll investigate further when the weather is better.
They should really fix that. Because if it’s posted, no trespassing anyone goes down there they could be arrested.
Actually, if you blow that picture up a bit on the trails, the trail goes along side, but clearly not on the persons property. That is probably why the property owner put up the new trespassing sign to keep people off the driveway.
Now the question is is the way spot on private property or not?