Wayspot Submission:- 1st Attempt But very slow

Hey All,

When I did my first submission It was mainly to attempt to learn the system via Ingress but I really put some effort into it with a Nice Clear & Bright Day Photo,Description etc.

Now after a few days and learning what to do on here and the wayfarer system menu I find that I never get submissions to review in my local area even though I know my own are on the system (obviously I’m guessing I can’t approve my own that’s down to others)

However:- after a week or so it was still on my contributions page so I got bored and found something else to submit,then near enough same day it got Approved and was almost identical to my original submission just weathered and then I saw it inside Pokémon Go and 24 hours later inside Ingress.

Then a couple of days ago it turned grey and said “in voting” but it doesn’t seem to be moving anywhere at the moment.

Where’s that ML System I keep hearing about as it sounds like it’s sleeping on the job.

voting times in community voting can take over a year.

right, it is very, very, rare to get your own nomination to review, and has never happened to me in 80,000+ reviews. getting your own edit to review is common, though.

the “local” play area is actually very large and not really local.

i don’t know what makes the ML model pick up and decide some nominations, but i am always happy when it does.

Whoa that’s a long time,but I guess it’s to be expected as it depends on how many active reviewers are out there excluding niantic staff for appeals,a few of my submissions got rejected but Niantic overruled them and applied them to the database yet this particular OG submission seems like it’s having a tantrum.

I can’t wait for it to get rejected :joy::laughing:

Yeah I’m finding that a lot on the submissions,some are hours away in areas I’ve never been to and don’t know but will require long train journeys,it just feels like the location system is broken and not working correctly.

Yeah that’s when us human beans get to tell it off and show it what humans can do better than A.I