What do you want Wayfarer to bring in 2025? 🎆

#5. It would be extremely helpful if the person receiving a rejection could be pointed to the criterion or criterion clarification that was used for the rejection.

Similarly, it would be helpful if WE could associate that criterion and/or clarification with our votes.

I just have this image of the submitter being horribly frustrated and exclaiming, “But it’s a little library!!!” since most players have no clue about criterion clarifications.

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I just got a nomination with an awful photo, that would be a duplicate anyway if it were acceptable. I rejected the nomination for bad photo instead of marking it as a duplicate, because marking it as duplicate would add the bad photo to the wayspot. I have also rejected when the photo submitted is the exact same one that was already live.

I would like to see it made clearer in the review flow that a nomination should not be marked duplicate if the photo should not be added to the wayspot.


I didnt even think of this until now…🫨 well now Im going to do that going forward! Should definitely have something saying it does that.



For the new year it would be helpfull when uploading pokestops that niantic doesn’t answer:

Afwijzingscriteria (decline criteria)

But instead uses the criteria the community has chosen to decline it.

Then we could learn from our mistakes and improve our uploads or see that is a futile stop :wink:

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“Wayfarer criteria” as a rejection means that you have not demonstrated that this meets any criteria:

Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others

To me, this is a clear indication that I should rethink this nomination, or at least present a photo that makes it clearer what I am trying to submit if I still believe it does.

That would be impossible, since when that reason shows up, the community didnt decline it.

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The rejection should include this info or at least point to it.

I don’t understand what you are asking for here. If you go to the Wayfarer site, there is a section on “Criteria” to review.

Even here on the forum you dont get any explanation on why its rejected or retired

Even if it fit explore excercise and be social whit others.

While it can inprove so much for reviewers and submitters of wayspots.

“Wayfarer criterion” means absolutely nothing. In fact, it reads to me like a broken piece of automation where someone forgot to replace a piece of placeholder text with the actual reason.

You, apparently, have had this so drilled into your head that the opaque words now have a meaning for you. That’s not intended as an insult. You share that meaning and that’s great. My point here is that there’s no need to refer to experts when plain English could have been used in the first place. Most submitters do not have this additional knowledge that you have and share.

As a long time computer engineer I learned ages ago that “wrong” is a very bad response from any automation. Rather than telling people “wrong”, it’s better to tell people what TO do, point them to constructive documentation, or, at the very least, explain what the blockage is and why it exists. “Wayfarer criterion” does none of these.


I have not had this drilled into me. I go to “Wayfarer” and there is a tab for “Criteria” so I don’t get why this is a confusing rejection reason.

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I think there are a couple of things going on:

  • Many new Wayfarers don’t really know what they are doing. They just nominate things. This is a problem of not being educated about the various criteria. Did people still submit bad photos, things that don’t meet the social/exercise/explore, or rejection worthy locations like schools when the test still existed? Yes they did. But at least they were forced to read and study the various criteria more before being allowed to nominate and review.

  • Niantic has implemented the Machine Learning (ML) algorithm to assist in reviewing. This has been wonderful. It has greatly decreased how long it takes to come to a decision on a nomination and helped reduce backlogs. But people are already figuring out how to abuse the ML to get things into the games that probably shouldn’t be there. So while ML does have its reasons for rejecting a nomination, Niantic is not going to share in detail why ML chose to reject.

So I think that is why the rejection is currently Wayfarer Criteria

Ok, “wayfarer criterion”. Let’s puzzle it out, shall we?

I’m the wayfarer. That’s obvious. That was made abundantly clear during the orientation. So apparently “criterion” is saying something critical about me, personally, but I don’t know what.

Is it a verb? To criterion the wayfarer? An adjective? I’m too criterion to be accepted? Another noun? So a noun noun pairing? WTF would that even mean?

I’m still not getting it.

Ok, let’s try “criterion”. What about the criterion? “Wayfarer” about the criterion. WTF does that mean? Which criterion, btw? Is ML arguing that my trail head isn’t appropriate for pedestrians again? That exercise equipment isn’t appropriate for exercise? What failing does it think is involved?

So far, from reading this forum, I’ve learned that “Wayfarer criterion” probably means that the ML couldn’t find a singular target in the photo. That’s hardly anything to do with me, (the wayfarer), nor the stated criterion. So, could you please explain how you get the meaning of “no singular target in photo” from the words “wayfarer criterion”?

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thank you for the info. I had no idea! Going to implement as well

It says ‘Wayfarer Criteria’ as the rejection. Not criterion.

There are various forms of Criteria that Niantic (and I suspect the ML) look at:

Eligibility Criteria: a great place to exercise and/or explore and/or socialize with people

Acceptance Criteria:

  •  1. Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria 
  •  2. Must be a permanent physical, tangible, and identifiable place or object, or object that placemarks an area
  •  3. Must be safe and publicly accessible by pedestrians (indoor or outdoor)
  •  4. Must contain accurate information in the title, description, and photo

Rejection Criteria:

  • examples are poor quality pictures, third party content in the description or photos, abusive content in any part of the nomination, self identification or other forms of manipulating the voter, inaccurate location, or an inappropriate location. I included the link below for the detailed list of rejection criteria.
  • Rejection Criteria — Wayfarer Help Center

Does ML use all of this or just some? I don’t know. But if it is only looking at the picture I’d be surprised.

Sorry about the formatting. I was pulling from the Criteria pages.


Thanks, @LetsRollGirl :+1:

Adding, I’m not sure where you found “I’m the Wayfarer.” We do Wayfarer and sometimes we refer to ourselves as “Wayfarers” or say we’re “Wayfarering.”

Wayfarer is a process, a program, not a person.

I understand you’re unhappy with a lot of branding and messaging Niantic uses and I agree - a lot could be improved. Perhaps we could agree to say you hope for better messaging and we dig into more discussion on the topic in a new focused thread? I think you’ve made your points clear enough and I’d be worried that this single topic is to become the main focus and overtake other ideas from being shared here.


I think I see the miscommunication! Ty for engaging. The rejection reason does not mean:

It means that no eligible “Wayfarer criteria” was detected, so the nomination was rejected. It does not mean that your photo wasn’t good enough.

For next steps, if I feel the rejection was incorrect after going back and reviewing Wayfarer criteria, and I think it is worth trying to submit again, I try to take a photo that better represents the point of interest and makes it clearer what it is. That is simply how I proceed to begin a resubmission. That is not part of the rejection reason.

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I don’t understand why people are upset when they’re sentenced without a specific charge. There’s a tab for ‘Laws’, so why is this confusing to anyone?

They’ve been found guilty of violating the law, that should be enough for anyone…

I was asking a sincere question. Do you have a suggestion for wording that would help make this answer more clear? The sarcasm does not help the discussion.

You may or may not remember that my complaint was instrumental in getting Niantic to at least add an example of a “mistake” to the educational emails. I am all for making things clearer.


According to folks on this board, it does mean exactly that as one of the most frequent causes and likely the most frequent cause for my submissions so far.

I’m not championing that interpretation. I’m pointing out that from reading this board, that is the meaning I have been taught to take from that phrase.

Are you seeing yet that the phrase is meaningless on it’s face? It’s not even clear with experts who all think they know what it means standing behind it.

I’ve been asked to take this thread of discussion off this posting, and I think that’s a reasonable request, so I won’t be responding any further to it here. I’ll be happy to take it up elsewhere if that seems appropriate.

Yes, thank you for engaging.

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