What do you want Wayfarer to bring in 2025? 🎆

I do agree with you, and that’s why I would just like some tick boxes for criteria clarification so that the support information provided is more of the kind you mention.
I think most of us who also hang around here at this community or other communities on facebook, discord etc is already quite experienced to just see what criteria could be fulfilled.
Therefor I still do think it’s an good idea with the tick boxes, for all who’s relative new. and with a separate section they could easily give point out the help section with the same information as on wayfarer.

I’ve kicked around this idea in my own head before.

Whether boxes for the submitter to say (thinking of a coffee shop in this example);
“ :radio_button: Great place to be social with others
:black_circle: Great place for exercise
:black_circle: Great place for exploration”

Or something simple that says “I confirm I have read Wayfarer Criteria” with a link every x amount of nominations you do. It would also be useful when we get new clarifications to add this box in too.

Sometimes if I don’t think there’s much more to add about a nomination, my supporting information will be very basic like “Submitted as a great place for exercise”.

As said, you don’t want to put people off by making the process longer. I know many prefer Ingress nominations as you don’t need to choose Categories so it’s a balance with adding anything new.


Certainly, the process shouldn’t be to complicated.
And people are lazy, as you stated some choose Ingress for nominations since less steps.
But I rather would have mandatory for criteria fulfilled than Categories - as it is now a lot of nominators still mix things up and believes that Categories makes the nomination Valid.

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People are just going to tick every box. How many new people show up to this forum and try to argue that some random stop sign on the corner of their neighborhood is a good place to be social or exercise because “you can walk by it?” Im not in favor of adding boxes that wont actually help but will cause more clicks for good wayfinders.


Yeah, this would 100% happen.

People would tick a box that their house was a great place to be social because they host great parties or whatever.

You’re 100% right… sadly

#1. Feedback. If my waypoint submission is bounced, I need to know why if I’m going to submit any better quality waypoints. Right now I get absolutely nothing but “declined”.

#2. A way to decline submissions with feedback. Eg, we’re asked to decline waypoints that indicate a specific piece of playground equipment in favor of a single waypoint for the whole playground. And yet… there’s no place in the review form to bounce a submission for that reason or any other “that shouldn’t be a waypoint even though it’s safe” reason. Another example, I recent saw a series of street signs submitted. They’re bike lane street signs which isn’t any of our standard things. It’s generic. Mass produced. No historical significance. Not a bike trail. But I have no relevant place in the review page to say so other than “I don’t know” if this is significant to the community.

#3. Better transparency. I recently had a submission declined for “poor quality photo”. And yet, the review form I see has no place to declare that for a submission. I’ve seen some submissions where the photo and the title don’t match and yet, I have no place to bounce the submission for that reason.

So… transparency, continuity, and feedback.


Do you log in to the Wayfarer website to look at your submissions or are you only looking at email notifications?

Web site.

There are rejection reasons listed. The main one people find a little confusing is “Wayfarer criteria.” That is used by the machine learning bot when it rejects the submission. We don’t know the details of the ML model, but something about your submission falls into a pattern that the ML has learned is not acceptable. You can post examples in Nomination Support for us to look at. We would love to help you figure out why ML rejected something.

For your question about rejecting over photo quality, there is a way to do that. Under Accuracy, there is a menu for Photo, then there’s a selection for Low Quality.

When the title and photo don’t match, if it’s really bad, I figure out which one I want them to change and reject for it for that. So, if I wanted them to fix the title, I would reject under Accuracy > Title > Bad title (might say low quality).



I will reiterate, then. “Wayfarer criterion” is not a reason. A submission rejected for this “reason” includes zero feedback.

So my request for 2025 is that all rejections include feedback.


Yeah, I don’t disagree with that. But I doubt they will ever allow more specific reasons from the ML rejections. That might start to reveal too much about the “secret sauce” behind how it works. The WF community really does have a good eye for helping people understand how the ML thinks, though.

I’m in the middle of a Masters in CS and one of the criterion they teach us to use in evaluating ML is whether you can backtrack the reasons for decisions and whether backtracking is even necessary.

I’d argue that backtracking in this application is critical. It’s lack here is extremely demoralizing and will result in many players walking away with a nasty taste in their mouths.

There’s no “secret sauce”. Either the criterion is stated or it’s not. If it’s stated, it should be used. If it’s not… then why bother with crowd sourcing at all?


#4. Reviewer comments.

On NextDoor, when I vote on a report against a comment or posting, I’m given the option to offer a comment about my vote. It would be helpful in driving consensus if we could include comments to be seen by other reviewers.

Eg, in these boards I’ve seen some objections that make absolute sense to me but that wouldn’t/haven’t/didn’t occur to me while reviewing. If I’d seen that comment along with my review, I would absolutely have supported it.

Granted, I don’t expect to always agree but I believe that it would help diminish some of the randomness that we currently see.

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Things I’d like to see from Wayfarer:

  1. A truly interactive Reviewing tutorial for any new Wayfarer, that can be accessed at any time as a refresher course or for experienced Wayfarers to consult. Such a tutorial would include sample reviews, even those with subtleties, with real-time feedback.
  2. Non-Ingress Wayspots on the Ingress submission screens, for game parity.
  3. More improvements in “educational” emails and formal warning/suspension messaging.
  4. More push to include Wayfarer activities in live game meetups like Community Days, First Saturdays, and gatherings in other games once they get Wayfarer access.
  5. Rollout of Wayfarer abilities to Pikmin Bloom and Monster Hunter Now.
  6. Improvements to Showcases akin to Ingress Intel, where we could see the Showcase from any area by a simple map-click like we can see MU scores in a distant cell. This would be great for people who submit on vacation, to see their work featured!
  7. A clearer Reject process for DNMC nominations.
  8. More fun stuff on the Forum! I miss the conversations and banter we had on the old space.

That’s about all I have :slight_smile:


I think most of #1 currently exists. It’s not entirely interactive but the current orientation does go through a lot of that. Of course, it’s out of date with the current guidances and the common knowledge on this board but it does exist.

From your post else where on OPR - it seems there should be more consistency as well on the onboarding process across the differing ways to nominate…

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Egg on my face! Yes, exactly this. Thank you Wayfarer team for actually reading and responding. And thank you @kawin240 for letting me know they did respond. I missed it even though I thought I had read all replies. :slight_smile:


i also want a simpel explanation how they decided to remove it.
Because if i compare a art piece in a hospital. That make a great place to explore Socializing and excercise.

But a offical sport route get removed?

Or the offical poezie tile route.

While ad rejection critiria stand hospital
And accepting critiria stand routes bikes paths footpath trails

And there are more examples that are confusing if you wanna follow the guidlines and critiria.
Seems like everything can get accepted or rejected

So a explanation or the reason why its removed. When you just follow there own criteria or guidlines?

You just get ignored lucky there are still some very nice ambassador and regular that share the opinions and trying to help :+1: but if niantic self dont give any answer, other then we have decided.