What do you want Wayfarer to bring in 2025? 🎆

To be fair when i do come across them I make it my last review of that session then come back the next day


Moving on, What is with the formatting. this is prime example of bad formating that can be easily fixed. Words shouldnt be cut in half. I find reading hard enough being dyslexic and this just makes things worse. its a simple bit of coding to change it to only wrap on the space insteand of any character and peoples lives would be much imporoved when reviewing.


Splitting words on multiple words drives me nuts… extremely nuts… sooooo nuts… I just want to cry when I see it…


Yeah It really tips the reviewing consideration. The bias swings. Supporting information is to support what the nomination is.

I consider such text to be swaying the reviewer. IT is unfortunately inadvertent abuse of the system. Issue is people don’t know not to do it. But yeah I now just auto reject. You are trying to sway me so no

Again it goes to training. Onboarding. Ongoing knowledge management etc etc repeat verbal vomit that everyone says but no one listens to :slight_smile:

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This can be easily fixed. They just need to remove the “line-break: anywhere;” from the CSS.

Did you send a bug report?

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Oh, I thought of one! Aaron mentioned that rating is based on

Could “disagreements” be added to the profile page?

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