What do you want Wayfarer to bring in 2025? 🎆

Here here!

AND tell nominators what rejection reason was actually chosen by reviewers. Even appeal reviewers.

@cyndiepooh just now posted this link in another thread:


This one will be a tough one to impliment. Allow ML (eMIly) to assign the appropriate categories / classification to the nominations based on what it can analyse from the image(s) and Description (if applicable). This is not to take away from the submitter from assigning the category, but if needed for ML to assign the correct category.

Based on this, Wayfarer should provide a an option where people can refer to in order to determine eligibility of a nomination as part of the review process.


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Niantic has long used an algorithm to guess at categories.
Nominations in Ingress don’t even have an option to manually enter categories.
I assume that’s why Niantic requires every reviewer to say yes/no to every category - to gatekeep their generator.




If there is one thing we expect from Wayfarer in 2025, it is only one thing. I hope that Wayfarer team members will come to Osaka again! This time I will bring you a wonderful sponge cake from my local Japanese sweets shop as a gift, so please come! I will be waiting for you!


Or train it.

As soon as we know if we’ll be attending I’ll be sure to announce it! Wish us luck! :crossed_fingers:


I know this is going to get shutdown… but what about something like a voucher that can be used in the respective game store (e.g. Pokemon Store or Ingress Store) to allow reviewers to get discounts on certain purchases rather than bundled rewards.


Random idea. As it stands right now, our appeals get reset after 20 days of invocation. I know this is unlikely, but if an appeal is successful, the reset time for the next appeal should be halved. Unsuccessful appeals should remain at 20 days…


Ich liebe es, mir einen Bonus-Ort auf der Welt zu suchen. Leider sind oft nicht so viele Wegpunkte und Änderungen an nicht so stark frequentierten Orten zu bearbeiten. Deshalb sind drei Monate eine zu lange Zeit. Es wäre schön, wenn die Dauer verkürzt würde.


How about fixing the error that new Wayfinders get a message saying that they have to take training? The training was deleted what, two years ago?
Why start their Wayfarer experience with this frustration? (At least give them time to nominate and THEN get frustrated, lol.)


For 2025, I hope Niantic will

  1. Run a one-time routine to remove existing exact duplicate pictures.
  2. Change the process that updates Wayspot photos, to not add the photo if it’s an exact duplicate of an existing photo.
  3. Change the nomination and photo add processes, to disallow the contribution with a primary picture that the Explorer already has accepted on any Wayspot with the same crop.

NOTE: If a photo add is an existing picture cropped (to show better in game), that’s fine. PokemonGo crops square, and Ingress crops 16:9 - so they need different centering and breadth. It’s Niantic’s decision to make their needs so different.


Clean up showcase. .

The number of times it shows nothing but pap. Shows ineligible waypoints. Frankly it could be an amazing feature to showcase high quality waypoints - with information of why they are are high quality.

Instead it appears that there is a biased individual selecting waypoints that they want not waypoints that are informative. People see it and go oh look Niantic says featured I will copy. And so the cycle of dross continues.

:slight_smile: Just a thought - that it could be easy to resolve. Please

Happy Saturday all


Niantic: Please make the email wording clarification as described here: Saylor.exe stopped (properly) working - #16 by MargariteDVille

Er… I went through training a few months ago. My wife did it a few days ago when the level was dropped to 8.

There’s a training.

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Give us the option to have a “Community only” voting option where the ML is used to check for certain strict criteria (e.g. schools, emergency services, etc).

making it clearer in games that POI’s will get applyed to all NInatic games and not just the one they are submitting from. i am getting a lot of supporting evidence saying ‘this will make great pokestop’ or ‘this area needs more portals’.

when i see these i automaticaly get hostile trying to find reasons to reject. as these are often submitions that people know are in a grey area in terms of if reveiwers accept them or not. (walking routes signs around London, spring to mind, that are sometimes mass produces so look a bit generic which although thick the explore and exercise boxes but just feel a bit genneric and look a lot like boring street furniture)

This may be a me thing but i dunno.

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If reviewing makes you hostile, please take a break when it happens. Reviewing shouldn’t make you hostile and it shouldn’t affect how you review.


lol i feel this though.

currently taking a break XD