I submitted my poke spot 12/21/24 and it’s been over a month and nothing? Meanwhile a spot across from my office has 3 spots for the exact same thing…
Welcome to the forum @Grizzy37
I keep this reply ready for people looking for their pokestops:
I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to Niantic’s Lightship database. The Wayspot can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/
If you would like to give us the location of the Wayspot, someone here can check if the S2 cells are the reason. The gps coordinates will be below the second photo in your submission email.
I hope this helps explain.
What did you mean by this? As in it hasn’t completed review? It was accepted and hasnt shown up?
Hello and welcome,
I see that you used spot instead of stop. Are you trying to submit a Power Spot?
Power Spots are a mix of imports from a 3rd party database, as well as unused Wayspots. The imported ones do not necessarily meet Wayspot criteria, so they shouldn’t be used as examples of what is acceptable as a Wayspot.
More info on Power Spots can be found here:
If you do want to submit Wayspots, it’s best to review the criteria before doing so. You can find more info on this here:
Please feel free to provide more info about your situation, so we can better help.
Hello and welcome @Grizzy37
As this does not appear to be a formal appeal I am moving it to nomination support.
Please do provide the details requested so we can try to assist.
Hello, welcome to the forums! When nominations are in in queue/voting it can take them awhile to get enough votes to get a final decision on whether or not they will be approved/rejected. Unfortunately we do not know how many votes are needed for nominations. We have been told this is intentional. If a nomination’s voting is split it could cause it to pass through the process slower than other nominations. Also, it can take some time for nominations to pass through all the stages: in queue>voting>accepted/rejected. Some on this forum have talked about wait times as long ss 2 years in the past. Personally I have experienced wait times of 2-7 months even in large areas with plenty of game players. The speed of review depends on how many people are on wayfarer reviewing. You can help this process by reviewing nominations yourself and/or applying an upgrade(something you earn from reviewing nominations!).
Unfortunately we cant use what we see in the game world as a good basis for what is acceptable today. Some wayspots are old and would not meet todays acceptance criteria and mistakes are also made in the review process that cause nominations to slip through that shpuldnt have been accepted. Wayspots need to be a great place to Socialize/Explore/Exercise. If you’d like to share the nomination with us we might be able to help you better!
Also, as @cyndiepooh pointed out, and the email you get upon approval also says this, even if it is accepted it may not become a portal/pokestop/etc. Their post has more information on why.
Hope this helps!