Hi so I recently got a poke accepted after being rejected previously but i cant find it in pokemon go. Here are the cords 34.038989, -118.23440799999999
It got accepted about a week and a half ago
Hi so I recently got a poke accepted after being rejected previously but i cant find it in pokemon go. Here are the cords 34.038989, -118.23440799999999
It got accepted about a week and a half ago
Same cell as The Barrel, so not eligible to appear in PoGo. Also 20m within it, so not eligible to appear in Ingress.
Ive never seen the barrle in pokego before must be in a diff game. One last question so will my upload never be in pokego ? Thanks!
If the “LA Boulders - The Barrel” is removed for some reason, then yours exists in the Lightship database and should go live in Pokemon Go under the algorithm they currently use. And who knows if they will ever decide to use “hidden” Wayspots for other game features
Hmm now that I think about it … if you have never seen that Barrel Wayspot in Pokemon Go, the property owners may have had the Pokestop removed. If they had their property blocked, then yours might not go live in Pokemon Go even if the other were removed. Property owners can request to just have Poke-things removed but leave the Wayspot.
I don’t think so because the campus board is part of the climbing gym as well
I don’t see anything called campus board. I am looking at a map of portals, so maybe it is a Wayspot that is not used in Ingress.
There are three way spots in the same building: LA boulders campus board, LA boulders the barrel, and LA boulders, which the sign out front on the building. So regardless, anything new won’t go live in Pokémon GO in that building.
However, there is a way spot that should be removed just next door. It is the Los Angeles gu* club at 34.039006, -118.234096 which is ineligible because it’s an adult location.
ty! i can’t wrap my head around how this would have happened to have board go live in pogo and barrel in ingress, but there it is.
I guess that could be the case when both wayspots get accepted at the same time and then it would be a case of coin-toss (in either or both games) about which goes live in each game. That’s my understanding.