Why not auto remove the State Survey Marks that are POIS in games that fail criteria -

I was just reviewing. I got another SSM (state survey mark (Emily do your machine learning stop them from appearing). Anyway I saw this.

Not only is explicit they fail criteria they are also (like most SSMs) in dangerous positions). Because being boring. I checked out google street view and went looking. Either in road kerb, gutter or road. Why Niantic? Why…

In this situation, you could extend your boringness to reporting those without safe pedestrian access if you already did all this work? :slight_smile:


Why not remove POIS not accepted from games

What do you mean about not being accepted? These appear on the duplicates check, do you know they do not appear in game(s)?

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My bad. They fail all niantic criteria. Criteria Clarification makes it clear.

They should never have been accepted in the first place

If I saw these in game or when reviewing - I would say oh these are OK to nominate/accept because they already exist. They being in some cases being many of these exist in one area.

Clearly they annoy me!!! :wink:

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I google viewed them. I went round the map.

I report when I see them if out and about. I think in suburbs that would be a life time of work!

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It would also make Niantic games unplayable in most places.

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Not sure it would. It may… I know in some areas you take one POI and another pops up the next day. I agree it varies area to area. And some suburbs would go poof. And that is not a bad thing. I am so bias here.

I reported two the other day. They were in 6 inches of each other. Not possible as that is not how SSMs work. And both the fake and real POI were in the road. hence my point. These particular things you can with near certainty - say should not exist in game as they fail epically.

Note teamnoir - these things - :slight_smile: Hyper focus here - you made me edit my title… :slight_smile: