Wrongly Removed

Title: Malmö Vågbrytarbank
Location (lat/lon): 55.624872,12.97623
City: Malmö
Country: Sweden
Additional Information (if any): The portal still exists at the specified location and meets all criteria for a valid portal according to the Niantic guidelines. There is no legitimate reason for its removal. I suspect that the removal was instigated by abuse or false reporting by players from the opposing faction.


Still a nice portal. Should NOT be removed.


I mean, pedestrian access definitely seems to be an issue. But I agree, this deleting of wayspots by Ingress players just because they can’t reach them has to stop.


Pedestrian access doesnt mean being able to walk all the way to the waypoint from anywhere, it means being able to stand at it safely, which this one clearly can be stood at safely as it has a landing area for the boats and its a building intended for humans to access.

Access to the area via boat followed by some walking is completely fine. And clearly anyone staffing this would also have pedestrian access.

It seems like a very cool spot and I dont think it should be removed


I dunno, I recall seeing cases like this (a wayspot being on a very small island that’s only reachable by boat) where the pedestrian access was the problem that got it removed and Niantic refused to put it back.

And this wayspot did already get removed after all, so maybe it’s happening again.

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I like wild swimming and have a waterproof phone plus a dry bag to keep stuff in, so spots like this seem super cool to me! Not to mention I adore boats, grew up boating on the river and I love rowing. So an island that doesnt have a road or bridge to it seems like a fun place to visit if you’re minded to explore in a different way that is still safe

I took this picture from the middle of a lake at sunrise last solstice. I was treading water to take it. There were islands in the lake I could easily have swum to but they are nature areas so people arent supposed to go there. But that kind of thing really appeals to me

If you get your wayspot back, please add this photo. Looks really nice


That’s not entirely true. Otherwise, a statue in the middle of a roundabout that has a nice couple of meters of grass around it would be eligible……no safe way to get to the middle on foot, but you can safely stand there once you figure out how to get there without getting hit.

This one….it’s not a POI on an island that you can hike/walk to. It’s just the lighthouse on a small manmade base created just for the lighthouse. I think pedestrian access could be the issue.

This one has a platform where you can stand safely and access by boat.
So If i have to access an island by boat and then walk a while to the portal. Then it would be ok. But not if you access the portal without walking?

For how long do you have to walk in order for the portal to be ok?

That’s up to Niantic, but I think the point is you can’t walk to it at all, you can only get to it by boat. Niantic needs to decide if that’s what they want.

My comment was in response to the previous one that pedestrian access doesn’t mean being able to walk to something but just being able to stand by it.

You cannot get to New Zealand except by aircraft or boat. So all their wayspots must be removed?

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Yeah how big does the island have to be? This one is small, but small islands do have waypoints, and presumably someone works at this one?

Also is boat access similar to pedestrian access, like kayak/punt/dinghy/canoe etc? Self propelled access?

No, we need the New Zealanders! They get to beta-test all the in-game events and get rid of the copious amount of bugs before they affect the rest of us!


Well, I guess it would have to at least be on an island, not a man made base of rock to set the thing on……

A lot of light houses are automated now, so someone only needs to go out for maintenance. But we don’t create wayspots for one person who goes out to a site occasionally to do her/his job and leave, right? That wouldn’t meet any of the eligibility criteria; otherwise, I think my office would be a great place for a wayspot.

Thanks for the appeal, @Zunfire After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to restore the Wayspot in question.