So about 2 years ago I am nominated a Pokemon stop at a Torii in St Petersburg florida. This is a hidden gem that is not quite so hidden. It was rejected the first time and accepted upon appeal. It’s been quite some time and the Pokemon stop has never appeared. What do I do?
Also, there is a typing error in the title which I cannot seem to correct. It should say Shinto, and that’s what I get for typing on my phone.
Only 1 PokéStop can be in a level 17 s2 cell. Here is a good article about s2 cells:
If you give us the coordinates, I may be able to tell you what PokéStop is in the same level 17 s2 cell, and if the one you made or the one that’s currently in-game has a mismatched location, and should be in a different cell, you can try moving it. But only request a location edit if the current location is inaccurate, as it would be considered abuse if the current location is accurate.
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If I am looking at the correct location, your wayspot is in the same level 17 s2 cell as 2 wayspots. One named “Wilson’s Book World”, and another named “Trip’s Diner”. The name of the nomination is Shonto torii by antiques store”, right?
Thank you for the reply. I guess I’m not fully understanding because when I go to downtown St petersburg, there are so many pokestops that it’s literally multiple stops on a block. This is the same with the gyms. This area is at a crossroads and is fairly heavily traffic but is not downtown. Is this what you’re looking for when it comes to coordinates?
I was Googling this place, so I got the address, and was able to see that it was in the same level 17 s2 cell as other PokéStops. There are some rules where PokéStops can be in the same level 17 s2 cells as other PokéStops. If a sponsored pokestop if added after a pokestop that was already in-fame was added, they’ll both be in-game. Also, there was abuse in the past where if you moved a pokestop or gym into a different level 17 s2 cell, they’d still be in-game, and still are. But also, just because 2 wayspots are really close, doesn’t mean one of them will appear in Pokémon GO. s2 cells are just imaginary boxes basically that split the earth apart into different sections, and only 1 PokéStop can be in one of those imaginary boxes.
I would like to get that corrected to Shinto, but yes. That is the area. So it’ll never show up because there’s simply too many?
It might get added eventually, but don’t get your hopes up. If the other PokéStops in the cell are permanently removed, you could report them and they can get removed. I was looking at Google Satellite to see if the current location was accurate, and I think it’s already accurate.
Okay. Well it was the first and only pokestop that I proposed at the time so I don’t think that I did any abuse of anything. But I’m sad that it won’t show up because it’s too crowded in the area. Well, at least I know it got accepted and that’s something. Thank you very much for your time and efforts!
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Hello. I pulled up Ingress Intel, and it shows up as a portal. Probably not your intention, but it has shown up as a POI, just not in the game you want it to .
But he still can’t edit the title if he’s not at least level 10 in Ingress
So what do I do about that? Can it be fixed?
But I wanted this to be in Pokemon go. I don’t understand how it got into a different game. I went through wayfarer and through the pokeymon go game itself. Super strange.
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Different Niantic games have different inclusion rules. Just because you submitted it through Pokémon GO, doesn’t mean it’ll be in Pokémon GO. Most wayspots are in Ingress, but not all because it just has to be 20 meters away from other wayspots.
Okay. So I guess that’s a victory of sorts. Thank you! But if we could ever correct the title spelling I would be very happy.
Since you can’t submit the correction in game, you could try asking Help Chat to fix it. Access help chat from the help menu on the Wayfarer site and look for the speech bubble. A bot will give you prompts, but a human will look at the request.
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