All Nomination denied

Hello, I would like to understand why this POI has been rejected as it is a unique landmark in the territory. thanks

Please provide:

  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected

  • Include the title: “Cassetta Postale Americana”

  • , description: “Cassetta postale americana, unica e diversa rispetto a tutto l’arredo urbano”

  • , both phot

    os, and supplemental information

  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.

  • Location: 41°38’07.5"N 12°48’29.5"E

Unfortunately, I can’t see the nomination on Streetview as Google doesn’t have access to it. So anything I say is based on speculation or out of ignorance.

I would ask the following:

  1. What is significant about the specific mailbox?
  2. Is the mailbox on private property? (I ask this as Google Maps Streetview doesn’t go to where the pin is).
  3. Did you include anything on your supporting information that shows this to be historically relevant to the area?

As mentioned before, anything I say is out of ignorance, but it’s just a mailbox (or something similar) to me.

What was the rejection reason? That will be on your contributions page.

Just looking at this, even if you could prove it meets criteria as a local landmark under the exploration criteria, it appears to be SFPRP:

And even if that is not the case, I don’t see safe pedestrian access.

thank you for you reply, to answer to your question

  1. is a pittoresque mailbox as it has been then for 30 years totally different from the rest of the landscape scenario
  2. nono is on public street
  3. unfotunally I haven’t as it has been there for more than 30 years, but I don’t think historical pics are available


nono is in public street and accessible by everbody

You might find it hard to get this one approved sadly. Assuming it’s publicly accessible and doesn’t belong to anyone, I don’t know how I would vote favouribly for it.

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thanks for the honest answer :slight_smile:

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To me that looks like a properties driveway, not a street.

thanks for the answer but no it is a municipal dirt road :slight_smile:

No one expected the post about American mailboxes to be useful? :sweat_smile:

It covers, among other things, individual mailboxes like the one shown.


Agreed. This looks strongly like a SFPRP mailbox, so I would reject it.

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