Any way I can use these for nominations, the sign is within the store too. Same type of store somewhere else got accepted, idk how

Please provide:

  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected
  • Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
  • Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.

Welcome to the forum

I am glad you asked this question. imo, these would be rejected for generic business.


Yes, I agree that since Food Lion is a chain supermarket, any submissions of signs like these would be rejected. Somehow, someone was able to get one through, most likely before ML really started reviewing all submissions, but ML most likely would reject. Most likely they are in all Food Lion stores, too.

Hello @Kurtketchum88
The building looks like a supermarket, so that would not be a great place to explore, be social or exercise.

Could you give more context for the responsible neighbours. Is it just the poster or is it more than that?

Those most likely are posters in every Food Lion, like I noted. A lot of supermarket chains have signs like this, noting what they do for the community, and they are pretty generic and indistinct.

Even larger chain stores, like Target and Walmart, have signs/posters like these for different aspects of how they help their communities.

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To help out someone new here, ML stands for Machine Learning. It is a computer program that does a check on submissions and can do a simple accept or reject if the y are very good or very bad. You will also see it affectionately referred to as Emily.

Ah we sometimes have a community space set aside within a large supermarket.

I thought we’re supposed to not use Emily, as to not offend people with that name…

But yes, ML is the AI that checks every submission.

This isn’t a community meeting space, like a dining area near the deli or coffee shop. Some US supermarkets have these meeting spaces, but they also have signs/posters up for different things.

Target is well known for giving back to local schools, and they have signs up in their stores noting how they give back, and even include letters of thanks from the schools. Walmart has Honor Walls to showcase photos of local veterans that have been provided by shoppers. Aldi is quite well known for their signs about how they contribute to environmental issues.

Being Food Lion is a large supermarket chain, they most likely all have these signs/posters, and it most likely was a fluke that someone what able to get one through. But they are in a generic business, and most likely in all Food Lions to boot.


I am a card holding Food Lion customer. It is a no frills chain:

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I know the sign representative of what the store does, but I guess it still wouldn’t count

If you would like to give the location of this particular Food Lion, we would be happy to look around the general area and see if anything looks like a likely candidate on Google Maps. I am really bad about only answering the question asked and not seeing what it could lead to, but we would love to help you be successful. You do not have to disclose the location if you don’t want to potentially identify where you are @Kurtketchum88

I thought we’re supposed to not use Emily, as to not offend people with that name…

I don’t know where that came from. :woman_shrugging:

This is Emily’s home and they are welcome here, along with other terms referring to this automatic process. Good practice is to explain anything someone might not know.

I know that there have been some asking not to call ML that. They view it similar to calling some people “Karens,” aka giving a name a negative meaning. ML still isn’t looked all that kindly upon.

We had this discussion previously back on the old forum and there was no decision not to use it.
The only use I have seen on this forum is to describe the process. It has not been used in any other way unlike the other term you referred to. There was also a separate question about simply the personification of an inanimate thing. This is a common thing to do.
And it is not only Wayfinders that use the term, but staff do to ( listen to Wayspotters at New York Go Fest).

This is straying from the theme of this topic, and I think enough has been said :sunglasses:

@OldDirtyBard calls it “Skynet” and I love that, but I am sticking with ML at this point.

@Kurtketchum88 still available to look around the area via Maps for suggestions if you want to share location.

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3274 Ray Rd, Spring Lake, NC 28390 here’s the location

Okay so one thing you might want to submit is the plaza sign. This looks like the kind of shopping center described here:

But be sure not to ignore this piece of that clarification:

The supporting text should demonstrate why these are great places to be social and not just to conduct business.

Do not trespass here to nominate, but if you are allowed to be here, this would make a great Wayspot

The private property that Niantic does not allow is SFPRP (single family private residential property) so this common area for the community is eligible.

There used to be a statement that apartment pools were ineligible, so that is probably why the pool here has not been submitted, but that rule has been removed:

Check in the nomination map screen with the toggle on though to see if it already exists. I can only see portals on this map and it could be there but too close to the playground to be a portal if they pinned it badly. It only works if you are right there in person, but will show up as an exclamation point that you can tap on if it is:

I think this might be eligible but do some research on it

It’s the big building here

I keep getting odd results when I search on that name.

oops i have made too many consecutive replies. I see why people make long posts. will come back and see if it lets me submit then. hopefully those will give you somewhere to start.

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