Aprroved pokestop

My new pokestop was accepted on 23-12-2024 but i cant see it in pokemon go.
Can someone please assist my to understand why this happened?

Welcome to the forum @aviadpi !

Sorry to hear that you had different expectations. When you submit in-game it indeed says you are submitting a pokestop, while in reality you are submitting a wayspot, which does not always sync to the different games.

If you share the location + name of it, we can check if that is the case here as well.

For more information on how wayspots sync to different games: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/

Please be aware that taking advantage of S2 cells to misplace wayspots will be seen as abuse and can result in actions on your account. (not to say you do, but better to warn before than after is my opinion)

P.S. I have moved it to nomination support, as that is a more appropriate location for your question, thank you!

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But this is an issue. Because the. Game say that you add a pokestop not a wayspot.
How can I share with you the information for the pokestop/wayspot?

בתאריך יום ד׳, 26 בפבר׳ 2025, 20:57, מאת iFrankmans via Niantic Wayfarer Community ‏<notifications@wayfarer.discoursemail.com>:

I agree this is an issue, unfortunately this is what we work with.

You can find the rough location by finding it in your contribution management, combined with the name I should be able to check: Niantic Wayfarer

This is the name

בתאריך יום ד׳, 26 בפבר׳ 2025, 21:19, מאת iFrankmans via Niantic Wayfarer Community ‏<notifications@wayfarer.discoursemail.com>:


Hey there.

Pokémon GO uses S2 cells to determine if a Wayspot becomes a PokéStop.

In the image below you can see that “Memorial Site For Israeli Soldiers” is the PokéStop for that cell, so your Wayspot won’t become a PokéStop.

It is however a Portal in Ingress, so you have assisted players of that game.

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Hey. But memorial site is not a pokestopm.
Non of them is a pokestop.

בתאריך יום ד׳, 26 בפבר׳ 2025, 21:48, מאת PkmnTrainerJ via Niantic Wayfarer Community ‏<notifications@wayfarer.discoursemail.com>:

I’m sorry I’m mistaken. The memorial site is a gym.
Si if the monument site was out of the green and red stripes it could have been a pokestop?

Mod Edit: Removed personal information

Before I say this, please note that moving a Wayspot to get it to show up in a game when the location is already correct (as this appears to be) is considered abuse and can lead to Wayfarer & game suspensions.

If it is not correctly located, you can request a move either via Ingress where it appears or the Wayfarer Help Chat

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