En mi pueblo hay una antigua pared de carga reconstruida la cual es conocida por todo el municipio y que utilizamos como punto de encuentro o incluso para sentarnos o jugar a algo, incluso esta en Google Maps pero no sé cómo enviarlo para que me la acepten algún consejo?
Posdata es un pueblo pequeñito de 1200 persona la cual nos cuesta encontrar lugares donde crear pokeparadas
First off, when you nominate something, you are nominating it to be a Wayspot to be added to the Lightship map. All Niantic games are able to use the Lightship map to choose game locations, but each game also have their own density rules.
As for this, I do not know if this will even be accepted by both the review community and Niantic, as it just appears to be a wall, nothing unique. Even if you note that it is a popular meeting spot, I really don’t see anything that makes it distinct. If it is a historical wall and you are able to provide more informaiton about said history, like a plaque or sign on it, that would be a better thing to nominate.
Being in rural areas can be tough to find good Wayspot nominations, but we do have a good forum thread with a lot of tips that you may want to check out.
I’d also recommend reviewing Wayspot criteria, to learn what is and isn’t acceptable.
Hi @mrbone6
Welcome to the forum
I’m so happy to see a request like yours.
Many times we talked about rural areas and @DTrain2002 kindly added the main thread.
Some days ago I suggested to ask the rurals what they do, where they meet, what they have. And here it is!
You hang out at this wall with your friends.
I wanted to tag some really creative powernominators who wanted to help via service days (Wayfarer Nominating "Service" Days/Projects):
Hi there! I see on Google that the wall is listed as a historic landmark, but I couldn’t learn much more besides that from Google alone. I think there could be a way to get it accepted. Is there a way to find out the history of the wall, like when it was built, if it was part of a fortification or ancient villa? If possible I would tell as much of the history of the wall in the supporting information, maybe provide a link to the local government website or historical society (if there is one). If it is significant to the village, I think it’s possible to make a case for it. I’m going to keep looking and see if I can find more info and see if I can find something nearby that could also be valuable for your community. I hope that’s ok!
Creo que no hay mucha información, se construyo como muro de carga entre los años 70/80 y se reconstruyo en el 2000 pero pues aquí en el pueblo es una zona conocida y donde queda gente entonces es como un punto de encuentro y que ya forma como un lugar del pueblo, muchas gracias por contestar.
Muchas gracias por la ayuda a ver que se puede hacer
Gracias, entiendo el punto pero como pues es un lugar conocido estilo plaza de algún pueblo o parque municipal pienso que esto podría también, al igual si te fijas se diferencia del edificio de al lado por eso pensé yo que podrían aceptarlo, seguiré buscando cosas.
I explored the town a bit using Google Street View, however most of it is from 15 years ago and I’m sure the town has changed quite a bit since then. So forgive me for not being super thorough, without actually walking the town this is about as good as I can do.
The first thing I spotted is a plaque on the wall in Plaza de la Constatucion which I don’t see on the Intel Map. However it is in the same cell as Paroquia San Juan Bautista so it would not show up as a PokeStop. However it could be useful for Ingress players and would give them (and possibly others playing other games like Pikmin or Peridot) something to hack/flowers/etc.
The second thing I spotted was a sign with a portrait of Charlie Chaplin on it. That might qualify as unique signage, if it’s still there. That sign certainly seems unique and if it still exists it might be something to nominate.
One idea that came to mind that you may know about in the community but I can’t find are shrines dedicated to saints. I live in Italy and there are sometimes small votive shrines to Holy Mary or to individual saints in public places. Those could qualify as places of worship. Here there are sometimes small shrines in the common areas of apartment buildings, or little statues where villagers gather to say prayers.
Another thing I didn’t see but might exist are religious frescos or wall art. There could be something unique on an older building that I simply didn’t find during my look on Google. I know in small towns in Italy these can often be found on old buildings, paintings of angels or religious scenes. Maybe you’ve spotted a small sculpture or bas-relief while walking in town. Those could potentially be great Wayspots.
Being in a small town, you likely know which cafes and restaurants are popular with locals and serve as a favorite social spot. I would suggest nominating one or more of those and really going into detail in the supporting information section of the nomination. If, for example, there is a cafe where everyone heads to on Saturday mornings, you could mention that. If a restaurant serves special local cuisine, tell the reviewers about it. If it’s where the kids go after school for snacks and cold drinks, talk about that. What may be deemed generic in a big city is actually special in a smaller town.
One more idea is to look around for heraldry symbols. I was looking on the municipal website and there was this page with descriptions of the heraldry of the town and region. If you spot something with those symbols it could qualify under the exploration criteria.
I hope this is maybe a little bit helpful. I saw the church, city hall, playgrounds and football pitch were all already in game, so the obvious stuff is already taken. I wish I could have found something that’s a real slam dunk, but I hope this will give some more ideas of places to look for.
Muchísimas gracias por la ayuda me fijare en todo lo que me has dicho ya que si hay algún mural religioso por el municipio, me sirvió bastante tus consejos.
El retrato de Charlie Chaplin esta en votación ya la envié y la placa esta aceptada lo malo que como dices al estar cerca de la parroquia San Juan Bautista no la meterán, seguiré mirando para poder mejorar para los jugadores de la zona y muchísimas gracias otra vez por dedicar tu tiempo a ayudarme, tomare tus consejos en cuenta.
I don’t know if this is part of the church Parroquia San Juan Bautista, but this looks like a nice plaza area.
It looks like its in an open cell
Bodega Sánchez Guijarro looks like a small winery. That might be eligible. Wineries can be tricky to get approved but you could try by focusing on any tours they give. Ooh, yes! They do something called Oil Tourism, so it seems they make oil as well as wine. That should make them eligible for sure. Emphasize the link they have to the traditions of the region.
There’s a cheese shop in town that sounds interesting. (Not that this really matters, but Pikmin bloom will have special costumes for Pikmin found at cheese shops. We have nothing like that near me so it excites me to find one that looks like it has a real history.)
Finally, i dont know if there’s any information that could convince me that an unpainted wall built in the 1980s is historic. Any random place can turn into a meeting spot for a group of friends. That doesn’t mean it is a good place to be social. Plazas are actually designed to be social places for people to meet. Random walls are not.
Puedes mandar propuestas de placas conmemorativas, murales o zonas de juegos en parques, depende de quien revise pero por acá dónde vivo hay Wayspot hasta de dibujos mal hechos en la pared