Bench UK - unique element on it - or not

I got this review. And it took me a moment to work it out

But as I cannot tell if unique and no supporting evidence - what do I do

I confess I have never seen one like this… But maybe they are common… or really are unique and each bench has its own picture… Or maybe this is faked. I have no idea.

Anyone seen one like this?

If you can’t tell, then they didn’t do a good job proving their claim. Feel free to ignore the “unique” claim and judge on what merit you can prove.


That logo is the parish councils logo. Its basically a bench that the parish bought and placed probably through some funding to make the parish nicer, these logos would be on every bench that the parish placed themselves or apart of some project. In my county theres a thing where it’s called building better communities and it’s basically where the county council gives an amount of money to a parish council to make the community better connected by events, rebuilding things etc and one of the most common things that come out of this are benches and they all have the parish council or county council logo at the side of the benches and engravings on the bench.

To put it in short its a bench with the councils logo/coat of arms on, there’s more than likely loads of them and it just means it’s been placed by the council.

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I might be minded to accept it, with a clearer image of the picture. There won’t be a lot of benches like that as Parish councils are typically quite small.

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@shritwod and @NotASmurfTorb OK makes sense. And some maybe nicer than others. I can see that. I think the reviewer could have taken a better picture as the light was starting to blur the top of the photo.

Love the fact that these look cast iron too :slight_smile:

With labours local government changes will parishes remain? Interesting, As that might make these even more unique in the future!!!

Thanks again! Appreciated