I live near a park, and in it park/city staff added a public painting gallery in the roadside a while ago, most stands include 2 paintings, one on each side (there are a total of 20-30 stands scattered in the park)
an example for some of the stands, the focused paintings are on the same stand, in different sides and made by the same artist. the red one called in translition “soul bird” and the other the in direct translition “sand bird” ( the phoenix)
so my question is, can I nominate every painting in this gallery by its own?
(so a total of up to ~60 nominations)
each painting is a unique art, and they are located in a good place to meet and socialize and it’s really important for the area, brings a lot of tourists (the park entry is free)
also, can these trail marker be eligible to nominate?
the park is shaped like ר (like a reversed L) and the trail markers say how much meters left to get to each of the opposite sides of the park (in meters)
for anyone intrested in coords, they should be: 32.182520, 34.922557 (the park is called “Isaac Wald Park”)
just looked about the creator of those sculptures and found out that some of these are not paintings, but pictures of sculptures (the displayed bird ones are by Moriya Mor)
The gallery would be something I would accept if you can convince me it is not just a temporary display. But for the individual exhibits, I am not so sure. Here is the clarification on art:
specifically this piece
You said the markers are in the “road”. If this is for vehicles, these would not be eligible. They also look like the kind of markers our town puts out on the greenways for temporary events, so I would not be inclined to accept these even if it is just for pedestrians.
(I want to be clear that this is just my opinion and I am not staff. I would definitely want to go see this.)
Hey, thanks for the quick answer
as far as I know this is not a temporary display, it’s there for some good years (I don’t know the exact number but I’m quite sure that at least for 2 years)
and the trail markers are located inside the same park for pedestrians, in permanent locations
I’d be inclined to accept 1 or 2 of these. Just not all of them individually.
If 1: I’d make the title plural and description this is 1 nomination for all the various and use a picture like that
At most, I’d do 2, one on each distinct end with titles “North End” and “South End” and descriptions saying this is for the multiple items along the way
There are some problems with that,
There are no designated signs of the gallery, just the stands of the art alongside a road (for pedestrians) 2km~ long so it’s not really possible to include all of the individual unique art in 1/2 nominations, every one of them is a different piece of art, in look, style, type, creator and such
In addition if I sent all, I’m quite sure that different reviewers check them and not the same one