Can't Change Outdated Stop

Myself, and many other players, have attempted to get this stop changed for a while. The playground hasn’t existed at this location for a very long time (it was moved nearer to the car park) and is now a building for the softball association. We have tried to change the name of the stop and the photo on multiple different occasions but it is always rejected. Does it have something to do with the website link in the photo? Any idea what we can do about it?

In this case, the playground and a softball association are different things, so what you’re trying to do is considered repurposing a wayspot and that’s against the rules.

Instead you’ll need to report the playground as no longer existing, then submit the softball association as a new wayspot.


Good day!

This is not an issue. Websites, phone numbers, or names as they appear on signage or building facades is acceptable. It is not acceptable to provide the website name in the text.

If the playground does not exist at this location, the Wayspot should either be moved to the correct geographic location or else be reported as removed.

The rejection is technically correct. Trying to change the playground to the building is considered “repurposing” and if done maliciously can be considered abuse with game account ramifications.

Keep in mind I’m not accusing or warning you - what you’re trying to do is perfectly understandable. Niantic’s rationale is that the new building must be separately reviewed for its own criteria separate from the playground.


Is this the same park with the exercise equipment?
Edit - realised this is elsewhere

Submit a removal request for this. If it helps your case then you can download the scaniverse app (free) and create a splat. You can then submit a link with the removal request to show that it has gone.
Once gone you are free to make a fresh submission of the new facility, or if something is already in that cell it should appear. :sunglasses:

You can use the wayfarer help chat to request the current spot to be moved to the correct location, or you can delete it if there’s a new spot there already. Help chat is good because you can add pictures for context and explain the move. I did this in the past for a playground that moved as well.

You can also submit the new thing separately which should be an easy accept

This already exists.

It is in the same L17 S2 cell as this other portal, so only one can show in Pokemon Go


If you don’t mind, I’m going to link this topic to the definition of repurposing in the glossary so people understand it. This is a perfect example of what the community thinks should be OK, but is actually not the right way to resolve a situation. Great learning opportunity.


I do mind, actually. I don’t want to be used as an example merely because I wanted solutions for a situation at one of my local parks.

Ah makes sense!

So actually there’s nothing to be done except if they choose to delete/move the playground that’s at the wrong location.

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