Clearly Defining Duplicate

The wording on this response to my appeal… has me questioning things… is the information that is being communicated here stating that a wayspot matching the one i submitted already exists or is it actually saying that another wayspot already exists in this specific location?

A duplicate is a live wayspot for the same object and distance to other (distinct) object isn’t a factor.

Note that I don’t know in what game you checked or submitted, but you don’t necessarily see all existing wayspots in all games due to their inclusion rules, which can be frustrating at times. As such there may be a wayspot live for this LFL you don’t see in your game(s) of choice. If you’re ready to share the details of your nomination including coordinates, people on here can check for you and help establish if the duplicate rejection is correct. Alternatively, the Pokémon GO duplicate check can help with this when starting a nomination at the location (not at a very big distance though).

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This is another appeal rejection using “connected to” instead of “duplicate of” - i am going to follow this topic and see if Niantic explains this.


If you feel comfortable sharing the coordinates of the nomination I can poke around and see if there’s another one you can’t see.

I checked in both games and referenced the corresponding maps provided by niantic…

How can I best share the location?

That’s my point. I’m not sure what map you checked, but there can be wayspots that are present neither in Ingress or Pokémon GO.

For example, you could use the confirmation email you received upon submission, it has coordinates. A screenshot of the nomination itself (from the Contributions Management page in Wayfarer) will also help so we know which object you were nominating. Let us know if you cannot find it :slight_smile:

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So there are maps other then the Pokémon go and ingress maps? And wayspots that cannot be seen while actively playing either?

Precisely. They could be visible in games other than Pokémon GO and Ingress (there are more games than these two), or they could be Lightship only. Lightship is (or used to be?) the database of Wayspots Wayfarer deals with, which is what you see when reviewing wayspots or when starting a nomination in Pokémon GO with the duplicate check toggle on.


Ok… found the map database… there is a wayspot that is part of a matching set… however that wayspot while it does visually share some characteristics with the one I submitted it is not a duplicate, they both have their own unique charter #'s and they are miles apart from each other

Pokémon has a built in dupe checker option? Damn that must be nice…

There is a duplicate of the one you submitted in our database.

You must be looking at a different LFL. We have a Wayspot connected to the exact same LFL that you submitted at the same location.

ty! so “connected to” does mean duplicate. thanks!

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Here is the wayspot and you can see your picture has been added to it.

Unfortunately It does not meet the inclusion rules for Pokémon Go as it shares a level 17 cell with another wayspot.

The little free library wayspot does not meet the inclusion rules for Ingress so there is no portal for it on the IITC map.
The way you can see it is if you are stood at that spot and when you go to submit there is a toggle that allows you to see wayspots not in Pokémon Go. I recommend you have this switched on.

There is nothing you can do at this point. If the journey community church gets removed in the future, this could appear.


This exact same thing happened with a stop that I nominated.

It was accepted and in its own cell, but legitimately didn’t show up in either game. I don’t know where it went and eventually when someone else nominated it they’re going to be just as confused.

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if you give the name of the wayspot and the gps coordinates where you submitted it, someone with access to the geo spatial broswer can see if it possibly got moved in voting and is a live wayspot.

if it is not, there have been a few cases here where staff had to do something to make the wayspot appear in eligible games. but that is rare.

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I tried looking on the in game poke map but I don’t think i understand how it works well enough because when I I search it i don’t see what you guys are seein

I also have access to the “8th wall” map… however when using the search feature that it provides only the the other little free library at the other location comes up… although I am super new and only just learning how to use the program/software/tools provided there… so I may just need a little more experience with things