It’s GREAT that this is added, but it proves the system is majorly broken!
Why are edits in small rural areas taking over two years to get a verdict??
Why are edits in small rural areas spending over a year and a half in queue??!
Why is there no option to delete an edit?
It’s so bad that I got edits where the ‘Current Wayspot Description/title’ is the exact same text as ‘Your Edit.’ due to multiple edit submissions by multiplayers trying to make a fix and one edit actually got all the way through to a verdict.
That thread is a train wreck. I hate it when a bunch of topics get buried in a big chain. It’s like ADHD gone crazy. No organization. Many personality types find that frustrating and even horrifying.
I know, I know - it’s a great way for Niantic to say things that no one can find later (and very few find now). That’s a benefit to Niantic, but not to us. We’re better able to find things later (and now) if different topics get different threads.
I agree, its hard to follow when a thread gets long and disjointed, especially with this new forum where is often unclear who is replying to whom. Its all a bit clunky.
I would hope that any official Niantic clarifications would get their own proper thread and be updated on the criteria pages, unfortunatley that seems like too much common sense for them to manage. I do wonder why they jump in random threads with these things and confuse things further.