Contribution stuck in NIA Review since November 2024

Can someone from Niantic explain why this contribution has been stuck in NIA review for the past 2 months?

Title: Charles Péguy
Description: Charles Péguy, né à Orléans le 7 janvier 1873, est passé par l’École normale supérieure et a suivi les cours de Bergson. Militant dreyfusard, il crée le 5 janvier 1900 les Cahiers de la Quinzaine, une revue qui publiera 229 numéros jusqu’en juillet 1914. Il y fait paraître l’essentiel de ses œuvres en prose, notamment Notre jeunesse en 1910.
Location: 48.845407,2.344881- Google Maps

Hi @s3w2,

Thank you for the report. We have escalated the issue for internal review and will circle back when we have more information from our concerned team.


I have an educated guess.

I’ve always felt that if people skip a review, the process doesn’t handle/count it well, and it can fall into limbo. By one set of code, it’s complete (maybe: it’s seen enough reviewers). But by another set of code, it is not complete (maybe: it doesn’t have enough votes for consensus). Maybe you’re in Europe, and people who don’t know the language, skipped it?

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Do you think Niantic staffers skipped over this in their queue?

Oh yeah, I hadn’t noticed that it was in Niantic review. Maybe it was bundled and assigned to a staffer who has been out on leave, or quit - and the reassigning process doesn’t work. (That used to happen with Ingress Mission reviews - and they originally copied bits of Ingress code to make Wayfarer.)

Happens when you miss the title, the image and the details provided in the post. Let Niantic respond, please, as requested.