Can someone from Niantic explain why this contribution has been stuck in NIA review for the past 2 months?
Title: Charles Péguy
Description: Charles Péguy, né à Orléans le 7 janvier 1873, est passé par l’École normale supérieure et a suivi les cours de Bergson. Militant dreyfusard, il crée le 5 janvier 1900 les Cahiers de la Quinzaine, une revue qui publiera 229 numéros jusqu’en juillet 1914. Il y fait paraître l’essentiel de ses œuvres en prose, notamment Notre jeunesse en 1910.
Location: 48.845407,2.344881- Google Maps
I’ve always felt that if people skip a review, the process doesn’t handle/count it well, and it can fall into limbo. By one set of code, it’s complete (maybe: it’s seen enough reviewers). But by another set of code, it is not complete (maybe: it doesn’t have enough votes for consensus). Maybe you’re in Europe, and people who don’t know the language, skipped it?
Oh yeah, I hadn’t noticed that it was in Niantic review. Maybe it was bundled and assigned to a staffer who has been out on leave, or quit - and the reassigning process doesn’t work. (That used to happen with Ingress Mission reviews - and they originally copied bits of Ingress code to make Wayfarer.)