Contributions have been in voting for over a month

I have 4 nominations that have been in voting for what seems to be a long time.
One in particular was submitted on 6-5-24. A pic of the 4 are attached.
Do I need to provide more info or advise anyone of this delay?
Thank you


In order to ensure high quality Wayspots, each submission is manually reviewed by a community of Niantic players. The time of this process may vary depending on numerous factors such as the volume of submissions, the level of submission detail, number of active reviewers in your community etc.

I see that the submissions in voting are working as intended and are getting voted on. You can earn Upgrades by reviewing submissions from other players and use it to fasttrack your own submissions. You can read more about Upgrades here:


I see you have one marked to “Upgrade Next”. That button causes some confusion so I wanted to explain what it does. It tells the system to automatically apply an upgrade to that nomination as soon as you earn one IF you leave Automatically Apply Upgrades set to the default setting of ON in settings. If you have this setting ON and don’t have anything marked to upgrade next, the upgrade will be applied to your oldest nomination.

I recommend that people turn Automatically Apply Upgrades to OFF. It feels so bad when that hard-earned upgrade gets applied to something you did not want to apply it to. With it set to OFF, “Upgrade Next” does not do anything, except prevent you from withdrawing the nomination.

Here is how I have this setting:


Thanks so much for the explanation. I checked my automatically apply upgrades to ensure it is off. thanks again

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Thanks so much for the explanation. I will be more patient :slight_smile: thanks again

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