Drinking fountain

I tried to nominate this water fountain 41.3508638, -7.2957470 but is always refused because it “does not meet the criteria”.
Do you have some tips to make it more interesting?

Hi! Fountains aren’t all eligible just because they are fountains, and this one may need a bit more context in the nomination text to make it clear why you think this should be a wayspot. I would try to describe why this fountain is a good place to explore or be social with others in the description and supporting information. I can’t see the description or supporting info so I’m not sure how you described it previously.

This one may be a tough sell because of that phenomenal looking gazebo right next to it, to be honest.

If you want some more info on what makes a fountain a good wayspot, here is the criteria clarification about them: Water Fountains - #2


Just had a look at the Ingress intel maps and noticed it was in the same cell as another wayspot and also within 20m. If you are looking to submit it because it’s interesting and meets the criteria, then I wish you luck.

Looking at the Streetview, it appears that the fountain is more of a place horses to get water and is actively used. I don’t see how this meets the criteria, but if there is some historical significance, you may wish to focus on that.

It’s a drinking fountain. Humans use the tap to collect water. and sometimes (as you can see on street view) animals use the water from the tank to quench their thirst or refresh themselves. Not a great history. But I thought drinking fountains were available for nomination.

Not all water fountains qualify from what I understand. If I am wrong, I’ll be happy to stand corrected.

It looks more like an animal trough, I’ve had one of those accepted in the past…


More to the point, it looks like it has some history to it. If you can find out how long it has been there and any other background information then it will improve the chances of getting it accepted.