Just wondering if there will be a ticker somewhere showing how many edits have been submitted, like how we used to have a ticker on the Featured Wayspots/Showcase page for review challenges. This certainly would be helpful to know not only how the community is doing, but an individual Wayfarer as well.
Great question @DTrain2002,
Unfortunately this is wasn’t possible for this challenge but we’ll continue pushing to get some user friendly features similar to the previous reviewing type challenges. I will be sure to post frequent updates on community progression.
Ugh, I didn’t read fully…
Silly me!
Since there would not be a challenge ticker, will we get updates for the community goals throughout the challenge?
If we can’t have a counter in Wayfarer, something (inferior) we can do is to use email labels. I have a one for STAT with values: sub, yes, no. And one for TYPE with values: edits, missions, noms, photos, reports.
EDIT to add: Then I can filter by, say label:stat-sub and label:type-edit
Yup! I’ll be posting periodic updates on the forum + twitter