Edits approved but still in voting?

Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.

  • Description of the issue
  • Date first (or most recently) experienced: 5/19/24
  • Device type, model, and operating system: iPhone 12
  • Game & Game Version (if applicable):unsure

So strangely, these edits were approved. I think maybe I had tried them with the wayfarer app at some point but I don’t know when because I don’t normally get emails or notifications from edits done with it, however the ones I did in Ingress appear to still be in voting. I had a lot of trouble getting all that corrected even though that stadium and the one next to it had their names changed a few years ago and that is reflected on Google maps. Still been having trouble with the stadium next to it. Would these be able to be removed or are they just going to have to go through the process and potentially become uncorrected?

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Not all edits on the same wayspot have to be reviewed at the same time, so yours as shown are still being voted on.

That is odd, thank you for letting me know why it’s doing that.

Hello and welcome,

Keep in mind that for each edit that is resolved, you will receive an email, just like nominations. So, if you edit both the title and description for a Wayspiot, you’ll get an email for when the title is decided upon, and another for when the description is decided upon.

Oh see that’s the thing, if I submit any kind of edit with the wayfarer app I rarely if ever get an email about it being resolved; and I’ve never gotten one that even acknowledges that I submitted an edit, and they’re never in my contributions. I only get emails if I do edits through Ingress or Pokémon Go. They all use the same email so I’m not sure what the deal is there. Our area has had a problem with edits forever and the only times it seems like anything actually gets fixed it’s maybe 40% of the time, and that’s if the edits don’t just seem to float off into the ether. I started submitting them in the wayfarer app because for whatever reason that’s the only time they’d work and things would get fixed; however there is not really a paper trail. Submitting new pics rarely if ever worked either in order to try and help the edit because they didn’t match the title so it’s just generally been a vicious cycle of things in general never getting fixed and people for the most part have given up even trying to fix anything.

It’s almost like it isn’t a product release and results are unpredictable…

One or more of those edits were probably picked up by ML or Niantic staff and they don’t review/resolve all pending edits attached to the Wayspot.

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The Wayfarer app really isn’t supposed to be used for submissions, including edits, by players; it’s in development and mainly to be used by authorized developers. PoGo and Ingress are the best for submissions and edits for regular players.

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That is true , however, being that it’s the most reliable way to get anything done out here I’m not really gonna be mad about not getting emails. Mostly I just don’t want the things that have finally been fixed to get unfixed.

It’s been an incredibly useful tool and I’m glad I got access to it. However I completely and vehemently disagree that trying to do edits here would be better done in the game apps because it rarely if ever works even with multiple attempts by multiple people. If Emily or staff are the reason that the edits with the wayfarer app actually work here then I’d much rather depend on them than waiting from 6 weeks to a year or two plus only to have a title edit for something that’s been correctly labeled in Google maps for years to be rejected. That’s why after trying to correct the name of this stadium and the POI located at it for years with multiple attempts on each, I’d really prefer to have my edits in the system pulled out rather than risk them getting changed back to the incorrect names and having to mess with it more.

Do you know how edits work? If multiple people are submitting the same edit, you’re self sabotaging the process by over-saturating the choices and making it more difficult for a positive outcome for the edit.

When the edit is coupled to your gaming account then (worst case) you can use the rejection email to appeal directly here rather than having to repeat the process every few months because you don’t know.

The process takes time, sure, but trying to bypass the system because you don’t like it is going to result in inconsistent behavior, as you demonstrated, and continue to burden the backlog.


I wish there was a better way and the system hasn’t been working well for years to get us to this point of exasperation. It’s pretty disappointing that it isn’t capable of a more streamlined way of updating (repurosing :roll_eyes:) when the database is as old as it is.

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100% agree.

Yes, I’m well aware of how edits are supposed to work; and how they don’t work here. We have coordinated our efforts as not to have duplicate edits, although with as long as they end up sitting in the system random folks outside of our area add to that from time to time which is probably why so many end up in kind of a limbo. This has been a problem here since edits were given to OPR; and nominations used to be horrifically backed up as well before upgrades were introduced and they made some changes to review areas and added in rural area priorities. I think I had almost 500 nominations just floating around in queue and voting when upgrades happened, and it was because we just have never had enough reviewers in the area to push anything across the finish line; and our best hope was to have a visiting player or 10 just happen to review in their hotel room while in town. Thankfully it’s not that way for nominations anymore, but the way edits work(or don’t) here it suggests to me that edits are still operating on a similar system as nominations used to or something similar. I can see why Niantic would want to try and prioritize local edit reviewers, and how reviewers from farther away might not quite know that street view is like 8 years behind in a lot of places, but the Google tag is right. Then they check the pic on the POI being edited and the pic matches the street view and the wrong title; and then the locals get overruled because they’re outnumbered. It’s a hard balance to strike, but I really think they need to completely overhaul edits and maybe just have them circulate like normal reviews. I think they should probably include pic edits in edits since they never seem to be able to pass without each other, and make the rest sort of like a regular nomination with a supplemental section that lets people explain what they’re trying to fix and why as well as with a supplemental pic. As is I just don’t think that people have quite enough information to make the correct choice in a lot of circumstances, and the system is overall self defeating in a lot of ways.