Edits in Contribution Management Page - Discussion

Weird, why have they rolled out some minor UI change but not the actual edits list? Surely it’s all in the same branch of code.

My immediate thought is why are they de-prioritising the submission names so much? That’s much more important for browsing than what type it is. But maybe it’s in some temporary stage right now.

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Change takes time, and there are A LOT of edits they have to migrate into Contribution Management. I submitted 4 edits just yesterday.

I don’t mind that the titles are not as pronounced, as this allows to better filter based on the type of contributions. No doubt that the edits will be similar, such as being Title Edit/Description Edit/Location Edit, and Photo Submission. These are the 4 types of edits in the filter section, and I feel it will make it easier for those looking for a certain edit to find those now.

Also, the search bar still works if you search for a word in the title. I just searched “art,” and everything I have that word in either title/description and/or supporting info comes up.


That’s not how websites work. They aren’t migrating them one by one in real time right now, they’ve already put them in the relevant database. Case in point: they all show up now.

Edit: another issue - scrolling is really jumpy in the updated interface. On a mobile browser, as I scroll down the inner panel of contributions, it keeps jumping randomly another 30+ pixels down.

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Ever hooked your phone up to your computer and tried to moved photos and videos from your phone to your computer? Maybe several hundred, even thousands? Guess what…It takes time. Your computer even tells you how long it thinks it’ll take.

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No button to withdraw edits or photo addition suggestions in the queue ┐(゚~゚)┌

i want to withdraw them !


Agree. I just looked at some of my photo edits, and 1 from July 2023 has a face visible. Unfortunately, it’s in voting, so that’s why.

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I would prefer the original and submitted images to be reversed.

Interesting to see how far back some of my edits have been lingering around even if it does say they all entered voting today


Dates fixed now

Oops. I forgot I had submitted the title edit already and submitted it again. Could the “Withdraw” feature be added to edits?


I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but if you’ve thumbed your new photo enough so it’s the default picture in PoGo your contribution entry for that edit will show the same photo for both “Original” and “Submitted”

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I too would like a withdraw feature if possible. The main reason I want to look at my past edits is because I’m pretty sure I’ve duplicated some after waiting years with no response. I didn’t keep all my emails in the early years. I’ll remove any unnecessary ones.

Also I know there are still location edits in the system, where I got tired of waiting and asked Niantic to move it, but reviewers still vote between my edit and the new location set by niantic. This is a waste of time for reviewers, and sometimes looks like abuse because the current location is now correct. EDIT: Also google maps updated in my area recently and some things moved slighty which also makes some location edits look wrong.


Since the editorial report cannot be withdrawn, it is of little use.
And edits to wayspots that have already been removed are left under review.
So I was just reconfirming that the Wayfarer database is not ID managed and why it continues to stack up to this day.
As other Wayfinders have already said, it should be possible to withdraw them, including those already under review.
That way, you and your team will achieve your long-held wish of zero backlog.


To me, it seems like the photo that has the most votes in Lightship, regardless of the game the votes come from, is used as the main photo for photo edits. I was a little alarmed by this when going through mine, until I clicked on one and it showed my photo below what is currently the main photo in PoGo, and most likely in Lightship as well.


Please let us delete/withdraw our old and bad (like doubles) submissions from the queue.

Could someone please refresh my memory by telling when was this game released? Just asking because I wasn’t even born when this waypoint was last modified… :thinking:


Happy Unix day.


As I thought there are duplicates on my list with exact same wording. Like this one below. After 2 years I submitted the edit again. The first is now accepted but the second is still in queue. This will confuse reviewers when they come to vote.



It’s GREAT that this is added, but it proves the system is majorly broken!

Why are edits in small rural areas taking over two years to get a verdict??

Why are edits in small rural areas spending over a year and a half in queue??!

Why is there no option to delete an edit?

It’s so bad that I got edits where the ‘Current Wayspot Description/title’ is the exact same text as ‘Your Edit.’ due to multiple edit submissions by multiplayers trying to make a fix and one edit actually got all the way through to a verdict.

Why can’t the AI robot go through all these??


What is everyone’s oldest unresolved edit? Mine is 13th December 2020.

Three unresolved edits for a wayspot that was removed by Niantic a long time ago…



This is a fantastic step in the right direction, a long time coming, but it’s finally happened. Thank you for putting the effort in to work on this.

There’s a lot still to do, plenty of issues that need fixing and QOL elements that should be added but it’s a very good start. Great to be able to see our edits finally, good to know they are still in the sytem and not forgotten after all this time.

I hope that the team will be proactive with communication on progress and receptive to feedback to build trust and enable community involvement in making the system better for us all.

It would be interesting to know what everyone’s oldest unresolved edits are? I have one from November 2020 still outstanding!