Eligibility Level Update - Discussion

Exactly this, i don’t think most people are opposed to having more contributors, or which games they are coming from, this could be a great positive if done properly.

The concern is that because of flaws with onboarding, education and messaging, there will be a greater influx of frustrated people who don’t really know what they are doing. This is a current issue and will only get worse, further degrading the quality of submissions and ill-will toward wayfarer.

It would be nice if the team were transparent with their intentions for a change, perhaps this would help us understand why they are doing this and alleviate some of our fears.


The onboarding process has usually been “See that fire? Good luck.”

I would say it’s much better than what we started with. We see new people venture over to here from understanding rejections.

I feel like anything that is forced with learning just makes people want to skip around it without necessarily picking up on the meat of the subject. Having an exam also requires maintaining it to still be current with Wayfarer criteria.

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level 10 or level 36

Only diffrent is that you can edit and report from distance? Between ingress and pokemon go? Or are there more advantage in ingress? Ingress intelmap is great, why is there no pokemon map like that?

You also can remote submit from further away in Ingress, and you don’t have to choose categories. I always prefer to come home and look at the photos I have taken while I am indoors and can see them better, then make the nomination from there.

Pokemon Go has the advantage of being able to see all Wayspots including those not used in that game on the nomination map when submitting. Ingress doesn’t have that feature to check for hidden duplicates.

(I haven’t submitted anything since December 16, so someone correct me if this has changed in the last month.)


I must admit, the L8 Ingress requirement is useful for me as I haven’t really played much since getting to that level. If I have a rejected nomination that I want to resubmit that is a distance away, I can now submit remotely from Ingress rather than having to travel all the way to the location, just to submit.


Ingress intelmap is great, why is there no pokemon map like that?

The intel map assists with core Ingress gameplay where a lot of detailed planning, coordination and progress monitoring is required over large areas that can even span countries.

For pogo such a comprehensive map would be a nice to have rather than a requirement.

Only diffrent is that you can edit and report from distance?

In Ingress you can submit nominations, text edits, location edits, additional photos and invalid portal reports along with upvoting photos remotely within the applicable distance limits. This is assisted by being able to remotely view any portal in the world.

Also from memory there is a larger character limit for the text fields in Ingress.


and in fact, the portion of Pokemon GO gameplay which does involve planning and coordination does have a map. That is, raids can be viewed on Campfire.


Please also update it for Pokemon Go players. Please give us relaxation too.

Did you see this in the announcement?

Its an announcement, nothing political about it.

Obviously it’s a game without any politics. But who knows how long it could take as time period isn’t mentioned.

They may also have to take into account whether or not they do get new Ingress users to start submitting before choosing a new lower level for PoGo. It does seem that most of the newer Wayfinders are coming from PoGo, as you’ll see a lot of posts here asking where their stop/gym is, instead of where is my portal.

I’m fine with Niantic taking some time to determine the new level in PoGo, and possibly see if the lower level in Ingress increases participation from that game, or even more to play the game that are active with Wayfarer.

I did start playing Ingress yesterday, and I have to say it’s a bit more confusing than PoGo to me. The help pages may take me a few days just to get through to know fully how to play Ingress, compared to how easy it can be to pick up PoGo and start playing.

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You’re right. I’ve been playing it for several days but even I couldn’t understand what’s going on :disappointed:. On the other hand PikiminBloom is very interesting game. There are several factors or reasons we can pin point but IngressPrime isn’t a simple game. It’s also very hard to collect energy. Only PokeStop are the portals for me that’s why when I ask for PokeStop it also contributes a lot significantly for IngressPrime too

Hi Niantic

I missed that Niantic were extending this to PGO. I reiterate my questions.

What will you to do to address quality. Training. And in an on going way

No one objects to more - provided a sense checking mechanism is in play. What checks and balances will you do? How will you tighten it up when you open the floodgates

When this was last done with PGO what was the experience noticed? 'Cause if Niantic did not notice the drop in quality (proportional everyone not all is/was bad) a lot of other people did…

I will also ask what is missing in the game in the sheer number of nominations already existing that it was decided to do this. Just because I am intrigued by the business decision. Just being nosey

I would hazard while all the queues are getting longer right now also opening the pool up to more nominations is probably not so good. I trust Emily is back sooner.

Anyway… Saying it again. is not the number of people who can do something - it is your change management, quality management for new and quality management ongoing…

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I am glad to see that I am not the only person who is concerned about current low quality of wayspots, the possibility of wayspot quality going down even more, and the lack of proper training and quality control. But considering that Niantic announced lowering level requirements before saying anything about quality control and considering that Power Spots in PoGo are businesses randomly selected from a 2010 phone book, I wouldn’t hold my breath while waiting for wayspot quality to improve.


The last time I remember them dropping the requirement to submit in PoGo to level 38 it created all kinds of issues that I can’t recall now since it didn’t affect me, and ultimately they had to drop the level to 37 for submitting but left it at 38 for everything else. As far as I know, you still have to be level 38 to be able to thumbs up a photo - unless that has recently changed. I understand that trainers in areas of low density could greatly benefit from the reduced level to nominate, but I think it is good that they are proceeding cautiously.

This is probably primarily so PokemonGo Wayfarers can submit and edit in Ingress as well, with Ingress distance rules.

IOW I don’t think it’s aimed at bringing in newbies to Niantic games. So the concerns about new people submitting… are not much concern.

Maybe they’ll lower the PokemonGo requirement so Ingress agents who don’t play PoGo can get there - and get 40 more nominations.

Wouldn’t it be easier to make the same distance rules in PoGo as are now in Ingress? And while they are at it, make it so that in Ingress players can see all already existing wayspots, even if they aren’t portals?

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