Frustrating Voter Rejections

I really just don’t understand some of the Wayfarer voters sometimes. It hurts my brain that these were rejected.

Do y’all have any rejected title edits that make you question everything?

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Ya I have been getting allot of push back in the small town’s I live an work at. It almost feels targeted.

The first is plagiarized text which is not allowed:
About & Events - CRMC.
The second is on wheels and temporary is the correct rejection. But that is also copied text: Antiques and Collecting | Cretors' popcorn wagons from 1900s still a treat
Cemeteries are sensitive locations. I have never seen one that is a nature trail too, though, and would have considered that one depending on the supporting text


The first location says it Obstructs Emergency services
The second yes has wheels but is a 1900’s wagon that has sat in that location for over 5 years and is locked in place. This was explained in the notes.
Only the front part of area is a Cemetery and there is only a handful of grave stones. The back half is a park with walking trails and pavilions.
At the end of the day I wish people put accurate reasons for the rejections and not vague or inaccurate ones.

I looked up the cemetery and I would have rejected this, too

I agree with you that it would be great for the rejection reasons to show more accurately what the reviewers thought.

The first is titled as a medical center. You could try again, naming it for the fireplace, and explain how people gather at the fireplace.

You’re just not going to get the second one through. Things with wheels could be moved any day.

I’d vote for the third one if the supporting info proved the trail / park aspect of it. Maybe there’s a link to it on A county brag site?

Cuyuna Regional Medical Center:

  • That fireplace is located behind the reception desk, and it’s a waiting room for patients. You will never be able to get that accepted.
  • If you copy paste a description, it will get rejected as well.
  • While googling, I’ve read in the medical center website that it has a “Cornerstone Coffee” shop past the main entrance. You could try nominating that.

Popcorn Wagon. This one was easy:

  • Description should explain why this particular wagon is important, not the history of Popcorn.
  • I can’t see how it’s “fixed to the ground”. For all a reviewer knows, this Wagon can move. Did you provide proof about how its been here for 15 years and will stay here in the future?
  • Regarding the aforementioned proof. Be aware I’m European, so I have no idea of how things related to parks work in the USA. This took me less than five minutes:
    • In the pequotlakes-mn website, you can look for previous Park Comission Minutes. In the file called CONSENT_5_-_Boards_and_Commission_Minutes.pdf, minute done June 24, 2024, page 4, point 10.6 (titled “Popcorn Wagon”).
    • You can read that this wagon has been in the park for 15 years, meaning it has stayed for a long time.
    • You can also read how the repairing of it is planned to be done during the winter, meaning there are no plans to move it.
  • Did you include any of that information for the reviewers to know?

Pelican Woods Cemetery and Nature Trail:

  • Regarding cemeteries:
  • You can make a case for this plaque to be a PoI due to the walking trail.
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better dont waste your time with that community…its absolutley useless and they dont want you to have fun…it is how it is…

these “PROFESSIONAL” - voters here are all salty and no one here want more poeple in pokemon go…

thats how people are

i would reject all…not worth it

yaa yaa…tell the poeple how to waste there lifetime… are you doing it for free or they pay you for that …?

you know how useless it is but you still feel like a game-creator if you reject 95% of all the proposals you vote everyday…

What makes you think the user or anyone in here rejects 95% of what they see? I reject far less and feel I line up with expectations of what Niantic expects on their game board. I’ve helped induct thousands of Wayspots globally.

I think most of us agree there are issues with the process, but please keep from accusing others who are here to he helpful.


Would you like to continue this discussion on the thread you started?

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Let’s not forget that every single one of us that mentioned we would reject specific waypoints also gave alternatives to those waypoints. We wouldn’t do that if we wanted to reject non-stop.

Also, you are talking about not having decency? Is it decent to put a waypoint in the middle of a HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM? Do you really wanna be ill, go to the hospital, and have a group of 20 people in the waiting room playing PoGo? Do you want for firefighters to be late to a fire in your house due to a conglomeration in front of their parking? Would you like for your little kid to get lost in the middle of a group of people when leaving school?


I strongly suspect you don’t really know anyone in this forum, and lobbing such insults and generalizations doesn’t help anyone, including you.

You are disappointed and angry. It means you are passionate about the game you play. Please know others here are as well, even if they have different opinions.

If you’d like, I know many people would be happy to engage in discussion and debate, but it must be respectful. We all have our opinions and our reasons and no one here really knows what anyone else is thinking.