Frustrating Voter Rejections

Cuyuna Regional Medical Center:

  • That fireplace is located behind the reception desk, and it’s a waiting room for patients. You will never be able to get that accepted.
  • If you copy paste a description, it will get rejected as well.
  • While googling, I’ve read in the medical center website that it has a “Cornerstone Coffee” shop past the main entrance. You could try nominating that.

Popcorn Wagon. This one was easy:

  • Description should explain why this particular wagon is important, not the history of Popcorn.
  • I can’t see how it’s “fixed to the ground”. For all a reviewer knows, this Wagon can move. Did you provide proof about how its been here for 15 years and will stay here in the future?
  • Regarding the aforementioned proof. Be aware I’m European, so I have no idea of how things related to parks work in the USA. This took me less than five minutes:
    • In the pequotlakes-mn website, you can look for previous Park Comission Minutes. In the file called CONSENT_5_-_Boards_and_Commission_Minutes.pdf, minute done June 24, 2024, page 4, point 10.6 (titled “Popcorn Wagon”).
    • You can read that this wagon has been in the park for 15 years, meaning it has stayed for a long time.
    • You can also read how the repairing of it is planned to be done during the winter, meaning there are no plans to move it.
  • Did you include any of that information for the reviewers to know?

Pelican Woods Cemetery and Nature Trail:

  • Regarding cemeteries:
  • You can make a case for this plaque to be a PoI due to the walking trail.
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