Google Street View when reviewing

Why can’t I always use Google Street View when reviewing? How am I supposed to know if it’s really there without it?

Street view isn’t available everywhere, and even when it is available it might be years out of date. You just have to do your best with the satellite and pictures they’ve provided. A simple Google search could potentially bring up additional evidence as well, depending on what was nominated.


You have to do the best with what you are given, unfortunately streetview isn’t available in every location and photospheres are much more difficult to provide these days.
This is why it’s so important for submitters to provide good supporting evidence. The picture should show the POI in context with it’s surroundings and ideally include landmarks that can easily be found on maps or satellite view. The supplemental text can then explain this and also be used to provide links and other evidence to further enhance the submission and convince reviewers.
It’s up to you to then decide if the submitter has done a good enough job at convincing you that their submission is genuine and in the place that they say it is.

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