This is the second time I have nominated this old courthouse, and it keeps getting rejected. Can anyone help with some suggestions before I appeal?
I’m surprised it isn’t getting rejected as a duplicate. It appears that “Linn County Courthouse” is already in Lightship and is even used as a Portal for Ingress and likely in other Niantic games. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to meet inclusion rules for Pokémon GO.
Did you nominate on site? There should be a toggle on the nomination map that allows you to see duplicates during the submission process.
This is what I’m seeing on the Lightship map.
I nominated on site. The submission to the north is the James Montgomery Ballot Box, a placard to the north of the actual courthouse. This submission was for the courthouse itself.
Nvm my previous post, I made it bigger and read “Various rejection criteria”
That reason isn’t very helpful, but that other Wayspot could be part of the issue. Is there anything you can do to make yours distinctly different from that one?
If you resubmit, I would suggest a tighter focus on what you are submitting. You can turn your phone sideways and take in landscape mode, or what I prefer to do is take photos before I submit and crop to square(ish) and straighten if needed. Then chose “existing” photo when making the nominations.
There’s a placard inside the courthouse. Would this be a better option than a picture of the courthouse?
Yup, I noticed the placard (although IMO it could use a more distinct photo) but isn’t this the same courthouse you’re nomination is for?
This is the same courthouse. Guess I am not understanding. I am trying to get a pokestop at the actual courthouse instead of the pokestop that is a placard at the road on the north side of the courthouse.
Oh then that should correctly be rejected as a dupe. I just looked up the sign rule for someone last night:
Should the sign for a Wayspot nomination be marked as a duplicate if there is already a Wayspot for the object the sign represents?
If the sign is a significant distance from the object then it should be considered on its own. If it is close, such as with a church sign and a nearby church building, then it should be marked as a duplicate.
Unfortunately we don’t get to choose which POI/wayspot becomes a Pokéstop. Both the placard and the courthouse are in the database, and Pokémon GO uses a certain method to choose which one shows up on the game map.
Both the placard you’ve mentioned and the courthouse itself are both eligible to be Wayspots. The sign tells of something historic (exploration) and the courthouse represents a seat of local culture for the county (socializing & exploration).
However, Niantic games use a “proximity” check that keeps the games from becoming “overcrowded.” While both exist in Niantic’s “Lightship” database, they are too close to be individual PokéStops. You’ll notice from one of my screenshots that there’s also a gazebo that is unfortunately may be blocked from. PoGO, too.
I know this isn’t the help you came for, but is that a community garden and/or a Little Free Library to the north of the Methodist church? I don’t think you could fit both in but one of those could become a PokéStop.
If it were me, I would submit a new photo for this that shows the sign better anyway:
Is hard to tell what this is for, and that sign looks interesting on its own. Something like this:
Then you can thumbs up the photo when it is added and get it to be the cover.
After reading the close up of the sign, I am not sure this actually should be marked as a duplicate of the courthouse after all. But based on the current photo, I probably would have.
This is what is showing in that same L17 S2 cell and only one can be in
I have been so confused on this whole conversation that I will be quiet now. The courthouse is already a portal, which means it is already a Wayspot.
There is a free library there. I will nominate it. Thank you for the advice!
The map with those polygons helped. Since the ballot box intersects with the courthouse, I’m assuming the actual courthouse can’t be a stop.
That is called iitc and is a map of ingress portals, not all wayspots. I have it with a pogo tools overlay to show the S2 cells. A good article to explain about how pogo uses S2 cells is
Is that a statue just SE of the courthouse? It looks like it, from Satellite, but I’m not sure. If pinned at the lowermost edge of it (assuming it is a statue) it should also be able to appear in PoGO.
Oh good spotting
I didn’t see it looking at street view, but pinned to the tree side, this could work
(pinned ON the object, but to the south side of the object)
I had looked at this little picnic area in that cell, but wasn’t sure it looked permanent enough
And then there is a flea market on the north side, that might be interesting, especially if that building has a unique history you can uncover.
both of those L17 cells are empty in iitc
is one of those buildings this? Old Linn County Jail - Wikipedia
I believe the boutique with the seafoam green garage door is the old jail. What appears to be a statue in the satellite photo is just a half brick wall with a flag next to it. The judicial building has a placard from 1979 that I could use if the area where the flag is available. Seriously thank you all for the help.