Horse trail markers

I’d have accepted it too.

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I don’t think this is a good nomination, it simply marks a path for horses. To be eligible it would still need to be a named trail - I’ve had named bridleways accepted in the UK, but an un-named one would likely be rejected.

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There is no requirement for a name.
It needs to be official/verifiable - you need to show it really exists.
The markers are not the key, the trail is. So demonstrate that these are markers that act as anchors for the trail.


Most trails have a number and no name

I wish that were the case, but the only trail markers that aren’t immediately removed if I submit them and they get accepted are the ones from a certain named cycling route. Any and all markers from the Netherlands-wide node-based hiking and cycling trail networks are always removed by Niantic. And they’re about as official as it gets. There’s a website that maps out the entire network in its entirety, but it’s not good enough for Niantic, it seems.

Seems like NL is a special case where critiera doesn’t apply to trails, especially not removal criteria :sweat_smile:

For the rest of the world we can still submit and keep trail markers :grimacing:

It was already mentioned. E.g. I only accept markers if the trail is official. That means there must be informations in the net about the trail. If there are informations and I decide it’s a good trail to explore, I accept the markers.

Horse rideling schools, gyms - crossfits , communtiy centers- Neighboorhood Associations, kano - kayak schools. Have many official trails in public space but not all publish it on there site. Same for museum’s or historic routes, There are many examples where there is no information on the internet, but ad the location it self, they do not publish it on the website, so it attracts more people to ther locations

The rules criteria should decide if its a good trail. Not if you like it or not. Sorry if in read it wrong and you meant if it fit in your opinion in the criteria of wayfarer to explore the trail. And if you are reviewing on wayfarer it dont ask is there a offical website of this waypoint :sweat_smile:

Be patient and try again, reviewers can be pigheaded about stuff like this. Use a slightly different main picture - the one you took is perfectly fine, but people who rejected it once might recognize it and reject it again on sight without checking properly. Make it very very clear that pedestrians can take this walk too and that it is a good place to explore and exercise. Good luck!

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So no more horse trail markers, maybe i can try the pedestrian and horse riders bridge, seems pedestrian bridges have a few % more change in getting accepted. Location is perfect to explore excerice

I wonder or there are any horsetrail markers accepted?

Awww man that’s sad

Yes sad is that we have only 2 appeals, whit so many legit rejected wayspots, and here on the forum the only remove wayspots, or restore deleted ones…

A lot wil rejected almost everything because its faster then fill everything in.

Should be the same if you rejected nomination you need to fill in still the rest would be better

It really irks me that reviewers can reject a walking trail because of “unsafe access” and not face any consequence

Most times its also the location where there is no streetview, i tryed to add 360 foto to google maps but failed :sweat_smile::rofl:.

i just skip the trail markers of :racehorse:

Plenty of other route markers left.

Glad to hear you’re taking this in stride! I hope all those who rejected your proposal get trampled by horses


I think there’s some confusion about the word “Trail”, in some places it seems to mean “any footpath (or bridleway)” and in others it means a “long-distance or named footpath (or bridleway)”.

Yes some words get translated wrong, some word have double meanings or diffrent meaning nothing to do about.

But if it was just a trail there would not be a pole trail/route marker.

Can try use navigational pole/sign/marker.

Hmmm, but in the UK there are plenty of “PUBLIC FOOTPATH” signs which are simply pedestrian-only shortcuts between two places and hardly somewhere to explore. Similarly, the local country park marks out the route for horses with a similar sign but they’re not a trail as such as it mostly just keeps the horses from damaging the path.

That’s the advantage of having human reviewers look at it, but as mentioned elsewhere there were specific problems in the Netherlands which means that it’s harder to get them accepted anyway.


Arent those offical street/traffic signs? , Here you also have a lot of them but trail markers are not a traffic sign. You also dont learn them on your driving exams

And dont know much about horse trails in UK.
But the poles here mark the route, and as you see its not a small park. And here is the sand freshly placed new, soon it rain away mostly and its a nice muddy sand trail :sweat_smile:

And there are 8 or 9 total most close to walking or cycling road, and you also only find them in parks/ forest.

But i get your explanation thanks a lot.

And yes in netherlands some nominations seems a lot harder then elsewhere on the world.