Can anyone give ideas on how these can get accepted. Many thanks.
We are probably going to need a little bit more information. At first glance, the bridge sign is probably not going to be acceptable. For the other two it’s not clear what we’re really looking at. For example bottom left that’s a gate to what? Do you think the gate itself is a great place for exploration, exercise or socialization, Or is it a entry to something else? As for the picture on the right with just the regular block glass what is it that you are trying to nominate?
@Leedle95 it is the name in the middle of the glass block Lucas House that I believe they are referring to.
But I also think that they are aware that it is already a wayspot.
The Rail Authority Sign… no as it’s a generic sign. The 2nd one, if this is a Single Family Private Property, it’s unlikely to get through. We would need more information as to what Lucas House 1998 is in relation to the area. More information relating to Grover Court is needed in order to make a determination as to whether it could be accepted.
Edit: I now going to change my thought process. I suspect these are already accepted portal and the OP is asking how these could be approved. - General Information - This is the 3rd one. An entrance sign to residential houses.
The first one is a bridge sign with its number and emergency number in case of an an emergency.
Grover court is just the entrance to flats
Lucas house is the entrance to a block of lats build 40 years ago.
As @elijustrying has noticed, these are already wayspots. I asked how one would get this approved as I believe it’s actually voting abuse because of their locations but looking to see if I had missed something but so far it looks like people agree these are not valid.
The grover court descriptions claims some residents helped out at a train crash nearby which is fluff and irrelevant and not a reason to make it valid. It also mentions a historic building which was knocked down years ago to build the apartments, as if that gives it more weight
Links to wayspots:
There are so many more but I thought I would ask on a few first
I would submit the first and last as abuse, if that is permitted. The middle one I am not 100% sure on.
To complete the set
I am closing this topic as the question about the possibility of submitting these has been addressed.
As most wayfarers know previously approved wayspots is not a guideline as to what is currently acceptable. There may also be details provided in the supplementary information and full description that can make something acceptable. A photo in its own is not that helpful.
If you believe these were submitted and approved via a voting ring please use the form.
If you believe they meet removal criteria then use the in removal form in game.